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Knock knock

"Regina, are you ready?" her sister's voice sounded.

"Yes, come in..." Regina zipped the zipper on her back of her tight, knee length, black dress.

The door opened and the red-head woman walked in. She was wearing a black shirt and a black pencil skirt. She was on those black high heels of hers and white perles hanging round her neck. She approached her sister and sat beside her on the bed. Regina put her black high heels on and stood up and headed to the mirror.

"Regina... I am so sorry! My father died and I know-" Zelena couldn't complete her sentence because Regina cut her.

"Zelena... it's okay... We knew that it would happen very soon! He had cancer! He tried..." her voice broke and she cleared her throats trying to hide the tears from her stepsister.

Regina was applying her make up when Zelena stood up and approached her. She leaned down and hugged her. Regina turned around and now she was crying into her sister's hug. "I'm here little princess... everything's gonna be alright! I'm with you!".

Regina, now, had buried her face to Zelena's neck. "I loved him... and he's gone!" she couldn't stop crying.

"Sssshhh..." Zelena caress her sister's cheek and wiped her tears away.

"We have to go..." Regina whispered.

The sisters stood up and headed to the door and they left Regina's room immediately.


His phone rang.


He took it in his hand and answered it.

"Good morning mate..." John said with a sad voice.

"Good morning John. Are you coming to pick me up?" Robin asked and poured some tea to a mug.

"Yes, I'm on my way..." John said and his voice broke.

"Be strong, mate!" Robin said and then he sipped from his tea.

"He was a good man, Robin... what a shame?"

"He was..." Robin felt a tear running down his cheek and he wiped it away.

"Okay mate, I'm here... come down." John said and hung up.

Robin took his black leather jacket and his keys and left his apartment. He ran downstairs and sat on passenger's seat of John's car. He hugged his friend and put the safety belt. John started to drive to the graveyard.


Regina was wandering between the graves. It was raining but she was safe under her black umbrella. Her high heels weren't so good for that weather. She was crying but she was sure that no one could see her.

Why? Why again? Her mother died when she was fourteen years old and she didn't want to talk to anyone for seven months. She was barely eating a quarter from her food. She found her distraction to her studies.

Robin and John arrived to the graveyard and they headed to the exact spot. John and Robin headed to their colleagues. They talked and they expressed their concerns about the work. Robin loved his boss. He found in him the father who lost very soon. He really loved him, but he couldn't show it to the others. John knew that it was hard for him but he chose to ignore that fact because he didn't want to upset his best friend.

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