Tony Stark's Only Child

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Okay so I already posted this chapter before but I didn’t edited it. Now THIS chapter is edited. Not much has change though.

Be in total bliss when you read this or just ENJOY!!

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“Tony! IT’S TIME!!” a worried voice call out from upstairs. Tony Stark jump out of his chair, almost falling, and ran upstairs to his wife, Pepper. Pepper double over holding her big, round stomach, trying to relief the pain. “Come on Pepper.” Tony help his wife into his sport car. “Don’t worry. We’ll get to the hospital in time.” Tony reassured Pepper. “Not by how slow you’re going. HURRY UP!!” Pepper yell at the now freak out Tony.

*Two Hours Later at the V.I.P part of the hospital*

“Tony stop pacing. You’re going to ruin the floor.” Rhodes joked, trying to calm down his friend.  “Rhodes who gives a damn for this hospital? Pepper was HEMREGING!! What happens if Pepper dies…or if the doctor has a heart attack?! THE MAN WAS ASBOUT 90!!” Tony was interrupted by a bald mid-age doctor who walk up to both of them and ask “Which one of you is Mr. Stark?”

“That’s me.  How did it go? Is Pepper okay? What about the baby?” Tony started to shoot off a million questions. “Relax Mr. Stark. The baby is fine but…”

”What is it Doc? Just tell me straight up.” Tony said, trying not to sound worried. Who was he kidding? He was fucking worried about Pepper. “Well there were some problems with the baby being born and well….Sorry but your wife can no longer give birth to any more children. If she does, she might die while giving birth. Sorry Mr. Stark. You can go in now. Your wife is going to name the baby.” The doctor told Tony and left. “You stay here Rhodes.” Rhodes just rolled his eyes and nodded. Where also would he go?  Tony went inside the room and saw a pale, tired Pepper holding a pink blanket. “Pepper? Are you okay...?” Tony ask meekly. “I just gave birth to a 7 pound human being. HOW DO YOU THINK I FEEL?” Pepper snap back. “Well I don’t know. I’m not a woman and...” Tony shut up as Pepper glared at him. “I’ll shut up now.”

“Well hello there Mr. and Mrs. Stark. I will be your baby’s nurse. But first tell me what this angel’s name is going to be.” A sweet looking middle age woman ask as she walk in. Tony cautionly walks towards Pepper as Pepper glares at him. “Get your butt over HERE NOW!!” Tony hurries towards his wife’s side and saw the most beautiful little angel, his little girl.

The baby girl had a tuff of bright red hair and pale ivory skin. She nested against Pepper’s breast and felt someone watching her. She turn her little head towards Tony and yawned. She opens her big round eyes and Tony inhales sharply, letting go of reality. Her eyes were a mixture of light forest green with specks of dark stormy blue. “WOW! We make beautiful children.” Tony whisper. Pepper smiles sadly, as she knew this baby was her last. Pepper held out the baby. “Take her.” Tony carefully held the baby as if she was made of glass. “What will we name her?” Tony ask Pepper but she had fallen asleep with a smile on her face. Tony smiled and look at his child and thought about it for a while.

“Her name will be Alexandra….Alexandra Katherine Stark...” The nurse smile and wrote it down on her clipboard.

 Alexandra’s eyes started to lower as Tony’s smoothing voice started to sing a lullaby…

Tony finally understood what his father was saying. About what is and always will be a father’s greatest creation is a child. A lovely beautiful child…

Tadaaaa!! This chapter has been edited by yours truly. LoL: D 

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