Section 5, Chapter 2: Do You Remember When?

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Chapter completed on July 12, 2017

Previously on The Rise Of Koala Blanco

"Mom, I'm not pregnant." Marinette ran towards her mom and gave her a big hug.

"Good, I do not have to worry any more about another little child running about the house."

"Hey mom. Can you just give me a minute? I will be right out. I just need to clean up."

"Yes, I will." Her mom left the bathroom and Marinette walked back into the stall. She picked up the pregnancy test and she stared at the pregnancy kit as it said positive. A tear went down Marinette's eye.

"I'm pregnant."
New chapter
A few months later

"Do You Remember When? Remember when we lost our fellow students, Juleka,  Adrien, Alix, and Kim? I am sure you do. Those were hard moments to deal with, and because of their sudden deaths, a couple of parents pulled their students out of the school." The principal explained at the assembly. "My condolences go to the parents of our students that are gone forever. Hopefully, we all shall meet them again. A slide show of our late students will be projected onto the wall. Try not to cry."

The principal walked down from the stage and sat down in a chair to watch the slideshow. To make things even more painful, sad music was played in the background which caused people to cry for their lost ones.

(Time Skip)

All of the classmates of the dead students got together at Adrien's house and they all were sitting in his room having memories about all the students. "Do you remember when Alya dared Kim to kiss Adrien at Juleka's birthday party?" Marinette asked.

"Oh, yeah! I remember that! And Kim actually kissed him!" Nino asked.

"Remember how mad Chloe was?" Rose asked as she started to giggle. "She was yelling at everyone!" The class began to laugh along with Rose. "Sometimes, I just wish we could have them all back just for another day." Max added. "But life is short. We should not spend so much time crying over our lost ones. Yes, we love them but we need to move on."

"You're right, Max." Marinette responded. "And guys, this is also our senior year. It has been a wild year for us seniors, but we can make it awesome! I am thinking that since this is our last month of school, we should throw an end-of-year dance only for the seniors. We could get drinks, snacks, a DJ --"

"Yes, Marinette. Those are what normal school dances have." Alya interrupted Marinette.

"Whatever, Alya. I'm just listing the things we need for the dance. But before this all happens we need to --"

"Buy drinks?" Rose asked.

"Get a DJ?" Sabrina asked.

"Buy snacks?" Nino asked.

"Could you guys let me finish?" Marinette exclaimed. "We have to pitch this idea to the principal."

"Oh yeah. That would be a good first step."

"That makes more sense."

"I forgot we had to do that."

Chloe opened her purse and grabbed her phone to call the principal of their school about  their idea. "Mr Damocles, could we please have a dance for the school?"

"Yes, Mr. Damocles."

"It was all my idea, Mr. Damocles."

Marinette groaned and her face started to turn red.

"Actually, Mr. Damocles! It was Marinette's idea." Marinette smiled. "Okay, thank you. I will tell them." Chloe hung up from the call and dropped her phone back into her purse. "So guess what?"

"He said we could not have the dance?" Max asked.

"That is exactly the opposite of what he said. He said we could have the dance!"

The class had big smiles on their faces and they all got up to give Chloe a big hug. "Don't make the hug too long. Your hot breathes will make my mascara melt."


"My plan is finished, Pico!" Rudy exclaimed as he folded all the paper his plan was created on.

"What's the plan?"

"Don't worry about it! It's gonna be great!"

"I hope so, Rudy! If this plan doesn't go right, then you won't be able to defeat Hawk Moth."

"I know, Pico. You don't have to state the obvious. But don't worry, we'll be alright once this plan has been performed."

Next Time on The Rise Of Koala Blanco

Rudy transformed into Koala Blanco and stood next to Ladybug who was waiting in the hallway for the next step of the plan. Step 2. Wait for Hawk Moth. "Now we just wait." Koala said. "Hopefully, it won't take too long for him to get here."

Hawk Moth suddenly dropped down from the ceiling. Chunks of the ceiling dropped all around him created a dust cloud.

"Oh wow. That was awfully quick." Koala said.


The Rise of Koala Blanco (Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction) | ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ