Section 1, Chapter 1: He's Dead

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The thunder struck loudly. The rain dropped down from the sky swiftly soaking up streets in its remains. Lady Bug and Chat Noir were on a mission against the Timebreaker once again trying to save Paris. Little did Marinette know that today would be her last mission with Chat Noir. Timebreaker not only wanted to go back in time to save her dad's watch but also wanted to kill Chat Noir for unknown reasons. Chat Noir and Lady Bug were both surrounding Timebreaker ready to attack when she performed any sudden moves. Timebreaker knew she had no chance of killing Chat Noir on the spot, so she decided to teleport to the time when Chat Noir had arrived at the battle scene but Lady Bug hadn't. She pressed a button on her wrist and time started to slow down. Everything around Timebreaker was going backwards and going back in time, although she remained unaffected by the time warp. She pressed the same button on her wrist and time started to function properly. It was now daytime and the storm had not even happened yet. Chat Noir had just arrived on the battle scene waiting for Lady Bug. He was turned around stretching and looking out to see if Lady Bug was arriving. Timebreaker walked up to him and tapped his shoulder. He turned around quickly and his life ended right then and there. Alix (Timebreaker) quickly snapped his neck and he died and collapsed onto the ground. Now Timebreaker could flee the scene. Timebreaker escaped and left Chat Noir lying their dead on the floor. Lady Bug soon arrived soon after Chat Noir died and saw his body laying there. She fell onto her knees and tears soon dropped from her eyes onto the ground and Chat Noir's body.

"Wake up, Chat! Wake up!"

Marinette picked him up and took him to the hospital to determine if he was dead or alive. Marinette ran swiftly, without hesitation, through the streets dodging each car as they drove by. She didn't break a sweat while carrying Adrian (Chat Noir) and running. She approached the Paris hospital and jumped high into the air. She flew into a window and broke it open with her leg. She landed gracefully and plopped Chat on the bed. The nurse got up from the floor and assisted Marinette in taking off his suit to check if he had a pulse. The nurse put her arms over his chest and stood quiet for a few seconds.

"He doesn't have a pulse! I will get the doctor, try giving mouth to mouth!" The nurse said as she ran out the door going to call for a professional doctor.

Marinette took off her mask and put it down on the tray table by the bed. She pressed her lips on Adrian's and pumped air into his system. That idea didn't work and Marinette started to get anxious. Her face turned red and a bunch of tears slid down from her eyes. The nurse barges through the door suddenly with the doctor behind her and the doctor connects wires, that were hooked up to another machine, to Adrian's chest and turned it down. His pulse simulation was flat. The doctor gave Marinette a sad look and she fell to her knees. She busted into tears and sobbed loudly. The doctor and nurse gave her comforting hugs in hope that it would make her feel better after Chat died.

"He's d—dead." Marinette mumbled.

If Chat was dead, it also meant that Plagg would be dead too.

(Time Skip)

Marinette leaves from the hospital after burying Chat and as she reaches her front door, Tikki appears and she then turns into her regular self now.

"I'm so sorry about what happened, Marinette." Tikki said.

"Thanks, Tikki."

"Do you need a hug?"


Tikki flew into Marinette's arms and Marinette gave her a big hug.

Next time on The Rise of Koala Blanco

It was all over the news. The death of Chat Noir by evil villain commonly called "Timebreaker." There were heartbroken people, the people who were happy that it wasn't Ladybug who died, and the people who could care less about Chat Noir or Ladybug.

End of chapter
Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this book! Don't forget to tell me if you want another section! There is only 2 chapters left in this section. I wanted to take a different path in my stories and move away from Dance Central. I started with one of my other books "On Our Way To Blue Hole" and I would like to continue it. Anyways,

Shout outs to: cupecake78 purplegirl1226 DCPOODLEXX

I'm out!

The Rise of Koala Blanco (Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction) | ✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant