Helicarrier and New York

Start from the beginning

"However, you are a monster."

"Oh, no. You brought the monster."

"So, Banner. That's your play?" Elizabeth asked, looking up at him. "Loki means to unleash the Hulk. Keep Banner in the lab, send the others in. I'm on the way. Thank you for your cooperation," she said, giving Loki a mock bow as she exited the room.

Instead of going to the lab, she went to the training room, waiting to see what happens. She pulled out her sword and started attacking the things in the room. She was so focused that she didn't notice Clint watching her silently. It was only when the arrow flew at her that she reacted.

She tucked her legs up, dropping into a crouch as Clint quickly ran off. It was then that she noticed the objects sliding around and she noticed the tilt to the carrier. She bolted out the door, following Clint. She found him in the detention level and they fought, Clint trying to shoot her and her deflecting arrows off the blade in her hands. She eventually rammed his head into a metal rail and knocked him out. She put away her sword and dragged Clint to a medical room, strapping him down.

She felt the carrier level out and smiled slightly. Natasha came in and took Elizabeth's place near the bed. The two women had a small conversation, Natasha catching Elizabeth up on everything that had happened. Elizabeth frowned when she heard that Loki had escaped and gasped at the news of Coulson being killed. She felt bad, like she should've been there to help out when she was in the training room instead. Natasha assured her that she did help by managing to get Clint.

Clint woke up at that moment, struggling against the bonds. Elizabeth stood and walked out of the room. She turned a corner and slammed into Steve. She looked at the floor and Steve lifted her head up.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?"

"I should've been there. I did get Clint, but still. I could've done more," she answered.

Steve pulled her into a hug and she returned it gratefully. They went to the medical room and found the Clint was back to his own mind. They suited up and went to one of the jets.

Elizabeth heard that Thor had been sent down in the steel trap and that Banner had thrown himself out the window to get a jet and had been sent flying to the ground in a green blur. She sighed. Tony, Steve, Natasha, and Clint were the remaining Avengers on board, not including herself. They got on the jet, Tony going ahead.

As they neared the city, they saw a massive hole in the sky with aliens pouring out of it. Tony was up there, blasting them out of the sky but there were too many. Elizabeth spotted Thor and Loki fighting on top of the Stark Tower and guided the jet over to them.

After Natasha fired a few times, Loki blasted one of the engines and the jet went out of control. Clint managed to safely land the thing and they all ran out onto the street. As their feet hit the concrete, a large leviathan flew out and crashed into buildings, aliens shooting out of their resting places.

"Stark, you seeing this?" Steve asked.

"Seeing, stilll working on believing," came the reply.

While Tony was trying to deal with the leviathan, Steve and the others were on the ground fighting the aliens off. Tony asked about Bruce, if he had shown up yet, but Steve was confused as to where he was and why he would even show up. Eventually, Bruce did show up, after Thor landed on the street.

"So this all seems horrible," Bruce said, getting off the motorcycle.

"I've seen worse," Natasha replied.

"Sorry," he apologized.

"No, we could use a little worse," Elizabeth told him.

"Stark, we got him," Steve said.

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