Ch. Eleven

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After a while, I managed to make myself stand up and grabbed a towel, drying my hair before wrapping myself in it. I jumped when there was a light tap on the door.

Cracking it open, I found Shane standing there with a stack of clothes in hand.

"You're not supposed to be up," I said, but the words sounded sort of hollow to me.

He shrugged. "I know. But Kyle said he found these in one of the abandoned apartments. He thought they might be about your size." When I looked at the clothes, Shane said hastily, "Not the upstairs apartment."

I tucked the towel more tightly around me, and opened the door completely. I didn't quite believe it was Kyle who had gone to find the clothes. "Why didn't Kyle just give them to me?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

Shane chuckled and rubbed at the back of his head where the hair was clipped short, contrasting nicely with the thicker hair at the top. "He's kinda shy. And besides," he smirked at me, "you've seen most of me. It's only fair that I get to see some of you." 

Like he couldn't help himself, his eyes trailed over my bare shoulders, down to my equally exposed legs before flicking to my face, something shining there in his eyes.

A laugh was startled from me at his boldness. Part of me felt like I should shut him down, but the other part reminded me that it didn't really matter any more. Besides, I would be lying if I said I didn't like the way he was looking at me.

So when his eyes went to my legs again, I didn't shut the door like I should have.

I did thank God that I'd shaved recently though.

Shane looked back up and a smile kind of tugged at the corner of his mouth. "I'll let you get dressed now."

"You'll let me huh?" My voice sounded husky and I fought furiously against a blush trying to rise to my cheeks.

Shane nodded, looking me up and down once more before pulling the door shut.

I sighed, shaking my head at the ridiculousness of what I had just said to him. I set the clothes he'd given me on the counter before putting on my own bra and underwear. I frowned, looking at my reflection. At some point I would want to find a sports bra.

Zombie apocalypses always seemed to involve a lot of running. Running without a sports bra was no where to be found on my favorites list.

Still looking at myself in the mirror, I thought of Shane and what he'd said. Then again... maybe I was fine with the black bra I was wearing now. I shook my head and guessed that he probably wouldn't care.

I blushed again at where my thoughts were going, and hastily flipped through the stack of clothes. I pulled out a pair of jeans and was astonished at how close to my size they were. When I put them on, they were a little tight across my butt and thighs but loose around my waist. The curse of being curvy. I would need a belt to be comfortable, but otherwise it was kind of weird how well they fit. They were also a little long, but hopefully I'd be able to find a pair of boots I could tuck them into.

I looked through the shirts, becoming increasingly aware of how my hair tickled at my back, just below my bra. My eyes were drawn back to Shane's hoodie then. I had already become sort of attached, so I just ended up putting on my own tank top before looking at myself in the mirror once more.

My skin was pale, making my brown eyes look almost black and my already dark hair seem darker. I ran my fingers through the still damp strands, then looked for a pair of scissors. I couldn't find any, so I grabbed the hoodie and went back out to find Shane alone in the living room.

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