Ch. Six

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I was jolted from sleep by a loud, incessant banging on the front door. I fought my way out of the blankets I'd cocooned myself in, and managed to get to the bedroom door. The clock said it was around seven-ish when I glanced at it.

I tried to trip over myself, my eyes still blurry with sleep, dark hair in my face, and almost ran into Kyle coming from his room farther down the hall. I muttered an apology, then followed him into the living room to find Shane opening the door.

His hair was mussed and he didn't have a shirt on so he must have been woken up as well. Both Kyle and I jumped when a woman a little older than Shane burst into the room.

She was crying, and I watched from the corner of my eye as Kyle backed away, eyes wide, unsure of how to handle the hysterical woman. Shane was obviously surprised and uncomfortable when she threw herself into his arms. He looked at me over his shoulder, silently asking for help as the woman started sobbing into his chest.

I fought down a smile at Shane. He might know how to deal with people shooting at him, but he is completely helpless in the face of tears.

I went around the couch to put my arm around the woman, pulling her gently away from a relieved-looking Shane. I led her to the couch and looked around for a tissue.

I jumped when a wide-eyed Kyle handed me a napkin before retreating behind the couch to stand with his brother. If Shane is helpless in the face of tears, then Kyle is completely terrified. Hilariously, they both completely own that fact.

I handed the napkin to the woman, just as unsure and uncomfortable as the boys. She gulped in a few deep breaths and blew her nose before looking up at me. Mascara streaked down her face as she gasped, "Thank you!"

I looked over at Shane and Kyle, who both shrugged.

"For what?" I asked. "Are you okay? What happened?"

The woman inhaled shakily and said, "I was at the gas station on the corner and... and..." She started sobbing again, throwing her arms around me.

I threw the boys another startled look before patting the woman's back gently. With a gasp, she continued, crying right into my ear. "The woman at the next pump she just... she..." The woman started trembling.

"Attacked you?" Kyle asked, sending the woman into another round of hysterics. Shane elbowed his brother and, coming around the couch, sat on the coffee table, looking at the woman.

I watched as he opened his mouth to say something, then stopped, frowning. He waved Kyle over, who grimaced but joined Shane, looking over his shoulder.

His eyebrows pulled together so sharply I was certain he must have strained something and he looked at me worriedly.

Isn't it funny how quickly it becomes 'us' and everyone else is 'them'? The day before, Kyle had been... let's go with chilly. That morning, he looked like he was concerned for my safety.

Just in case you're wondering, I'm pretty sure that we're still 'us' and your group is still 'them.' Sorry. Kinda.

Gently, Shane said, "Ma'am? Raleigh here's a doctor. Do you want her to take a look at that?" He gestured toward her shoulder.

The woman let go of me and reached a shaking hand to the back of her shoulder. Her eyes widened and more tears welled up when her fingers came away bloody.

I stood up quickly and the woman looked at me, her eyes terrified. I smiled as confidently as I could and said, "Let me just take a look, okay?"

She nodded, turning, and pulled her long blonde hair to the side, revealing a torn and bloody spot just in the crook of her neck. I tugged at her shirt, but it seemed to be stuck to the wound, and I didn't want to cause any more damage.

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