"Buckle up," Jade says as we get into her car, and I chuckle lightly.

"So," She says as she drives out of the parking lot, "How was it? In there?"

I gulp at the question. "It was absolute shit, I hated it." I admit, swallowing the lump in my throat.

"So why'd you stay?" She glares at me.

"To prove a point." I shrug, sighing.

"That you could last the entire time in there?" Jade taps her fingers on the steering wheel. I sigh, nodding. "That's really fucking dumb. I'm surprised you even lasted that long."

"How did you even find out?" I ask suspiciously.

"Your sister called me," She replies, "You were staying out later than usual, and you were screaming something about death in your room. So she put two and two together, and asked for my help."

"In which you accepted?"

She nods, smiling a bit. I blush at her caring so much about me.

"Wow," I smile, "Thanks for caring so much about me."

"You're welcome. Now, can you tell me what you learned in there?"

"How to hate myself," I confess, and images from my last session filled my mind. Reagan committing suicide, the doctors not caring.. It all was too much.

"That's it?" Jade asks, suprised. I nod slightly. "Wow, okay, so you're still gay. Those doctors are full of shit."

I chuckle lightly. "I guess they are."

"That's good though," She smiles, "That's one less thing to work on."

"Work on what?" I ask, confused. She doesn't answer, in fact she ignores me the rest of the way home.

As we get to my driveway, Jade hurries to get my into the house. I look at her oddly, since she was now in such a rush.

"EVA! SHE'S HERE!" Jade screams to Eva, but she was only in the living room sofa.

Eva jumps off the sofa quickly. "Okay, good, every one is in the room waiting for y'all."

I look at them both with a confused look on my face. "Who's every one?"

"You'll see." Is all Eva says, as we walk down the hallway to my room. There I see almost every one I know. Alyssa, Grace, Nick, Pillar, Christal and even Amber and Teresa.

I furrow my eyebrows with confusing and surprise. "What the fuck is going on?"

"Janelle, sit down, you're in for one hell of a night." Nick pulls out my desk chair for me.

I sit down and look around at every one. "What? Why?"

"Janelle, we're teaching you how to love yourself again." Jade states, closing the door.

I blink 3 times. I was still comprehending in my mind what was happening.

"Wait what? I'm so confused." Is all I say, and I hold my head.

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