Chapter 15. Don't Cry For Me.

Start from the beginning

"The Time Forest?" Ally asked.

"Yes." The older woman replied.

Ally remembered her mother telling her story's of the Time Forest when she was a young child, it was said that time moved slower here then in the mortal world. This was the place where Time Makers came after they died, but if that were true that would mean she and Aaron were... Oh No! "Am I dead?" Ally​ asked afraid to hear the answer.

"Miss Bane, you are very much alive. Marely someone sent you here, your body is still where you fell asleep and you are unharmed. You will wake up once we're through." The old woman said and Ally sighed in relief.

"That's good to know. But who sent me here?" She asked confused.

The woman shared a look with the brown haired woman standing next to her before she answered Ally. "We are unsure. All we know was it was someone powerful and of our kind."

"Merlin's Beard! Mother, I believe we have forgotten to introduce ourselves." The redheaded man said to the older woman.

"Oh yes, you are right. No matter, we shall do it now. Hello children, I am Miranda Dragonwood, Queen of The Time Forest. And these are my children​, Gideon and Lucy Dragonwood." She said gesturing towards the green eyed woman and man.

"Hello." Aaron and Ally waved.

"Hello! I believe you have already met my twin children, Eve and Edward?" Gideon said as he gestured at the young girl and boy who had lead Ally and Aaron there.

"Pleasure to meet you. Now excuse me, Did you say you were Lucy Dragonwood? As in Mary Dragonwood's mother?" Ally asked.

"Yes, as a matter of fact I am. You're Ally. Sirius has told me about you. And that you and our daughter disappeared​. But don't worry, we already know what happened thanks to Aaron." Ms. Dragonwood told Ally.

"Aaron? But I thought he just got here?" Ally said confused.

"What?! This lad has been here for ages! Ever since he-" Gideon was saying before he was interpreted by Aaron.

"Don't Tell her!"

"Tell me what?" Ally asked.

"Things are about to get dramatic!" Sirius whispered excitedly to Eve and Edward, who had to hold in their giggles, Lucy whacked Sirius on the shoulder.

"N-nothing." Aaron said to Ally nervously.

"It doesn't seem like nothing. And I swear on Merlin's left toe that if someone doesn't bloody tell me what's going on, I'll turn into a Cheetah and hurt you Aaron!" Ally all but yelled.

"Aaron's dead Ally." Lucy told Ally softly, getting right to the point.

Ally's blood ran cold and she lost all the color in her face.

"W-what?" She whispered as she stared at Aaron.

The boy who she had fallen in love with when she was trapped back in time, the boy she had missed dearly in the past months.

"I'm dead Ally. I died two months after you disappeared, I didn't want you to know because you've already been through so much. I'm sorry." Aaron said sadly.

Ally didn't move. "How'd you die." She whispered after a moment.

"The school was attacked by werewolves, I died along with many others." He replied sadly.

Ally wouldn't meet his eyes. "Hey! Don't cry for me Ally, it's okay. It was like falling asleep, but a bit quicker." Aaron said when a single tear made it's way down Ally's cheek.

Ally finally met Aaron's eyes. She could see he was sad, but he had accepted his fate. She sighed and wiped her tears away.

"Damn you Aaron Lockheart, I had this tough image going and you ruined it." Ally joked as she wiped her nose.

Aaron laughed. "You always did try to act tough, and even though you are tough, you're also very sweet. Never forget that Alex. You have a long and difficult path ahead of you, but always remember, Hogwarts will always give help to those who seek it. You aren't alone in this." He told her.

They were interrupted in their moment by someone coughing, they turned towards the others to see Lucy hitting Sirius on the head.

"Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Please stop hitting me!" Sirius said as he tried to cover his head.

"Anyway!" Gideon interrupted his sister and Sirius's 'fight'.

"Let's get back to business, shall we?" He continued smiling at Ally and Aaron.

"Thank you Gideon. Now, you may be wondering why you are here, Miss Bane. We do not know for sure who it was that sent you here, but we have a hunch. Before we get to that, I have a question for you Miss Bane, and I sure hope you will be honest with me." Queen Dragonwood said to Ally.

"I will try and answer honestly your highness. Now, what is the question?" Ally asked nervously, she swallowed the the lump that was forming in her throat​.

"Are you absolutely certain that Mary Dragonwood is dead?" The Queen asked leaning forward on her throne.

Whatever Ally had been expecting to be asked, it certainly wasn't that. Quite caught off guard, Ally replied but stuttered a bit. "I am pretty sure, I mean I don't see how she could've lived through what happened."

"It is not uncommon for people to be sucked into a portal, rare yes, but it isn't unheard of. Think about it, have you noticed anyone who is missing here? Someone who would surely want to be here to speak with you?" The Queen pressed raising a perfectly shaped eyebrow.

Ally thought hard for a moment, realising just how silly it was to assume Mary was dead. "Mary is missing." Ally concluded.

"Indeed. And who do you think was the one to send you here?" The Queen asked Ally.

"I am unsure." She said a bit nervous.

The Queen then told Ally something that made her pale a bit. "Here's another hint: Mary Dragonwood never entered The Time Forest."



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