"Been a while Jackson." He answered. By now Kyung had noticed the exchange and had stopped his dancing. Jackson noticed him almost immediately.

"Oh? Is this the lucky boy I've been hearing about?" He teased, and Kyung frowned.

"What do you mean lucky?" He whined, pointing childishly at Jiho.

"He's the one who's lucky for me to actually be talking to him much less dating him."

Jackson laughed.

"Aww, he's cute. You should keep him." He joked. Jiho chuckled.

"I plan to."

Jackson nodded approvingly.

"Alright I'll catch you later. Heard some crazy motherfucker is spilling booze into the pool."

Jiho smirked, aware of how crazy Jackson's parties usually got.

"Alright. See you later."

Kyung rose his brow once Jackson was gone.

"Alright Jiho. No more beating around the bush." He whined. The song streaming from the speakers having picked up on tempo. Before Jiho could complain, Kyung was pulling on both his arms, urging him to dance.

"Alright fine fine fine." Jiho resigned, mentally cooing at the adorable smile that immediately replaced the others pout.

Surprisingly, dancing wasn't at all as bad as Jiho had imagined it'd be. Having been previously induced with the idea that at parties, majority of the dances consisted of grinding and inappropriate movements, he was relieved to find that most people around him were pretty much just...jamming.

Kyung especially was entertaining to watch because his dancing primarily consited of childlike jumps that he found to be absolutely fucking adorable. It was hard not to smile the whole time.

Perhaps it was the loud music, or  Kyung's bubbly behavior,  maybe it was the party itself, but either way, he found himself slowly getting into it. Kyung giggled once he saw him start to bob to the music as all, smirking when Jiho sent him a wink.

"I thought you don't dance. You seem to be doing fine to me." He teased and Jiho shrugged, just as Kyung pretty much twirled into him, back lightly crashing into the taller's chest. Jiho chuckled, hands finding their way to the shorters waist.

"I guess I've got you to thank for that." He teased, to which Kyung replied with a light laugh.

"You're welcome~" He answered, turning to directly whisper the words into the other's ear. Jiho rose a brow, facing him so that their faces were merely inches apart. Up close,  Kyung looked even more breathtaking. Jiho pursed his lips.

"You should get drunk more often." He mumbled,  close enough that he didn't need to yell over the music. Kyung pouted.

"I'm not thaaat drunk. Plus aren't you the same person who told me not to drink?"

Jiho chuckled.

"Good point." He responded, just as the music came to an end. The next song that was playing Jiho couldn't be bothered to pay attention to, not when the other boy was so close. It was weird, he'd been in a shit ton of relationships but never had he felt this way about anyone before. It was weird with Kyung. He wouldn't call it a crush just yet, much less love, but just something about the younger was, how would he put it, attractive?

He was one of those people who Jiho almost immediately grew to care about. It was almost unnerving.

"Oi. What are you thinking?"

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