Chapter 18 Kidnap number 2!

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I woke up to hear someone screaming, from outside. I ran downstairs and out the door to see Amelie lieing on the pavement clutching her stomach.

I rushed to her and moved her hand, I could see blood staining her white dress.

Not saying anything I helped her inside.

I set her down on the couch and called Shane. He came running down the stairs in grey sweatpants, and an ugly yellow shirt.

"What happened?" He said when he seen Amelie.

"Someone.. came up behind me.. and... I think the rest is quite self explanatory." Amelie answered, "Call Oliver."

"Oh, hell no! He is a big pain in the butt." I heard Shane say as he ran to the kitchen for a secret vampire drink. (blood)

He came back with three blood bags. Michael changed it to bags instead of bottles because its "fresher".


"Give me a phone." Amelie whispered after she finished her bag.

Shane handed her the house phone. She dialed his number and talked in a hushed tone.

"What do you think?" Shane asked.

"Some.." I made a v sign with my fingers, "attacked her, probably them other ones. What bout you?"

"I'm not sure." He looked confused.

Amelie hung up on Ollie and mentioned Claire.

"We need Claire back soon."

"Why?" Shane and I asked at  the same time.

"Myrnin needs her to help him with... top secret buisness."

"She won't come back unless you kidnap her." I told her.

"That's what we plan on doing but it will take time. We also need Monica back."

"Why Monica?" Shane whined.

"Top secret you'll never know. We need you to get close to them and take them on a road trip here. Where Myrnin and Oliver will be waiting with two cages." Her eyes went crimson as she bit into another bag.

I exchanged a look with Shane.

"I already tried that. She managed to sneak away." Shane tried to stop her, I could tell he was getting nervous.

"We will get her no matter what it takes."She stopped him and stood up and opened a portal and disappeared to the Founders square.


I felt the flesh on my hand burn as I grabbed hold of the door of her room. I couldn't turn it. The pain was way too bad. I had to let go. I had to save myself. I wish I could've saved her, that way.... I would be able to feel her.

I can't see and hear her or not feel her. Its like a spirit... they are always there but your senses can't show you who's there.

All that time... with Claire.... I thought of Alyssa. Claire reminded me of her.

Her hair, laugh, brain and just.... her.

I guess that's how I still see Claire... I love her... just not

that kind. We drifted away until that real love... faded like dust into thin air.

But now that she was coming back... I didn't want to be reminded of Alyssa.

She was gone and never coming back. But at least I have another important person in my life alive.

Not Eve, Miranda, Michael, Amelie, Oliver, Myrnin, Claire, Alyssa, Monica or even my dad.


I could feel my mind disintegrating every now and then. Like I was getting rid of memories. Good or bad I'm not sure.

But now I can feel a pain in my chest my face felt hot and I felt sick to the stomach as well as the disintegrating.

I was alone at the hospital beside my father. Monica was with her mother.

My mother was gone for a break. She spent hours here praying to God.... asking, begging for my father to get better.

He was diagnosed with leukaemia about three years ago.

He's still fighting but everyone around me thinks there's no point. Even my father doesn't want to fight.

I stared at his face.. he had dark circles under his eyes, his face was pale and he needed to shave.

I traced my finger over his neck and arms. He awoke and gave me a smile.

"Sit on the bed with me princess. I need to tell you something." He sat up and patted an empty spot on the bed.

I laid down beside him. He wrapped both his arms around me comforting me, he patted my back every now and then as I silently cried.

"Its fine, princess. I have to tell you something. Its upsetting but.. you need to know." He seemed sad.

"If you tell me your going to die, I will kill you." I warned him, he chuckled and shook his head.

"No, but Grandpa Joe is dead. He died last night." Grandpa Joe was moms dad.

I wasn't surprised he smoked 50 times a day and he had lung cancer.

I never really spoke to him.

"How did he?" I asked concerned.

"In bed with Grandma Mary. He died in his sleep cuddling her. She said when she woke up she was freezing and stuck in his arms." I felt it now, tears filled my eyes and I felt my throat close up and I clenched my teeth.

Suddenly, his heartbeat stopped, the machine was going mad.

"Dad? Daddy!? Daddy wake up! Don't go daddy! We need you!" I was pulled away from him by a doctor and the others took the shocker out.

"Clear!" And they shocked him.

"No your hurting him! Stop!" I was fighting to get out of his grip. I started to sob and cry so much I felt my legs go numb and I fell to the ground screaming.

"Miss? Are you OK?" I heard a voice ask. I looked up to see a tall old man with white hair, he was super pale and he looked like a mental person.

He was wearing a black robe with that collar a priest wears.

"Yeah, not really." I felt it happen again I cried. He helped me up and put me on one of the chairs.

"Your coming home with me." I felt something stick into my arm as I fell into a dark slumber.


First let me take a selfie !!!

Cliffhanger!! hope u don't h8 me







Thanks for reading !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kiss me quick. (Morganville series my version)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant