Chapter 16 What happens in Dallas.. stays in Dallas.

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After I explained everything and I do mean everything about what I saw Claire in Dallas, from being bffs with Monica to seeing her in a nightclub with other guys and girls. I think she brought one of the guys home. And Michael and Justin went off somewhere for Halloween. Shane went back to Myrnin's place to help him with a problem.

Probably he lost Bob or he needed new vampire bunny slippers because Bob ate them.

Monica really changed Claire, Claire was smart, now she's not, well she is but she hides it. And Monica changed too, she got even ticker, and sluttier.

After Justin calmed down last night, Miranda told me something, something, strange. I chose to ignore it, after all she is a bit crazy. But she told me that she found a portal, not the portal Ava generated, a portal that brought you to a dark room with a lonely dark haired woman in it.

I can't believe Miranda that would be crazy. I want to but, I can't .

Would you?


After that little Halloween trick M played on me Michael showed up with a friend, he had shaggy brown hair, muscular, tall, baggy jeans, super gorgeous but Michael brought him for M.

I wake up beside a sleeping Michael, with his arm around my waist. I looked at my clock on my bedside table, it read 11:00. I pushed his arm off me gently, not wanting to wake him, but his eyes flickered open quickly.

"We didn't.... right?" I asked scared about what he'd answer.

"Oh, yes we did." He smiled flirtatiously. I jaw dropped and covered my naked body with the blanket, I stepped away from him walking to the bathroom with my blanket. I heard feet shuffle on the floor behind me and I looked back to see his naked body.

"Cover yourself! It was a mistake. You better be out when I come out of the bathroom."

"Touchy," he said stepping towards me with a crazy look on his face, and I could have sworn I saw red in his eyes, but that's impossible.

He cupped my face with his right hand and his left on my waist luring me into his arms slowly. His lips brushed my ear as he whispered "Nah." When he pulled away from my ear I suddenly felt an impulse to kiss him.

Its as if I was being forced into this, as I was last night. My lips touched his and I felt disgusted by myself. Blagh!

Suddenly, I pulled back and he started to mumble thing like "Sorry, help me, I'm being forced."

"How are you being forced?"

"What no I'm not!"

"Then why would you say you were?"

"Because I am." He seemed to be in pain when he said that.

"How can I help you?"

"With what."

"With you being forced."

"Get Shane, Eve, Miranda and Amelie." Serious pain showed on his face, that's when I seen it, some kind of writing on his right wrist. I picked up his wrist but he pulled it away violently.

"Who are they?"

"No one."

"Tell me I want to help you." I said sympathetically, something is making me believe him being forced.

"They are my friends."

"Where can I find them.?"

"I don't know."

"Tell me."

"Morganville." I could literally see something stick out of his skin where the mark is.

"What's that?"

"A tattoo."

"Who did it?"


"The Bishop?"

"N-o......... the ........... bi-sh-o-p."

"Whos's he?"

"Ask Amelie." And he fell to the floor breathless. I rushed over to him and went onto my knee's.

"Michael.. Michael. Michael!" I slapped his face hard and he woke up. "I've gotta go. Justin! We're going! After we eat!"

"Oh, what would you like to eat."

"You." He said creepily his eyes bright red.


"You." He stepped towards me, I tried to run, scream but my legs woulnd't budge and my mouth wouldn't open. He bit into my neck viciously drawing blood and everything.

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMM." I tried to scream but it was muffled because my mouth just wouldn't frickin' open.

When he pulled back I saw fangs.. yeah, defiantly fangs. Like from Fright Night. Not as long through. He looked me dead in the eye after wiping my blood off his lips.

"You can't remember any of this."

"So, are you and Justin going to stay for breakfast?" I ask politely.

"No, we've gotta hit the road." He got dressed and ran out the door.

I fell onto my bed, I need to find this Eve, Shane, Amelie and Miranda. But I don't know their last name.

Sorry for the crappy chapy guys :( But the next one will be better this is for

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