Chapter 10 We can't stop! Oh just stop already!

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Pov: Claire

It's just a bad hicky Claire. That's what they look like I thought. I covered the hicky with my hair, to hide it, and wiped away tiny tears from a few minutes ago when I was crying. I decided to have some fun with Monica. I grabbed her arm and put on Miley Cyrus We Can't Stop on. We started to twerk and sing at the top of our lungs. A guy came up behind Monica, he pulled her over to a corner. Then I felt hands on my hips, I turned around to come face-to-face with a man in his early twenties, he was good looking too. I whispered in his ear "My names Claire. What's your name?"

"You know who I am. It's me Myrnin." Weird name. Must have been named after his great, great, grandfather or something. "Doesn't ring a bell. And I think I would have remembered you." I winked. He gave me a weird look. "You have to come with me right now." He grabbed my arm and dragged me away. He brought me to a car where I see Monica and her guy in the car. Monica is in the back with her guy. We have to get in the front. Just then her guy gets into the front seat. He's driving. I get in the back with Monica when Myrnin gets in the passenger side.

"Where we going?"

"What are you doing here Monica?"

"I could ask you the same question. You naughty girl."



"Monica your not funny. Where are we going?"

"Wish I could tell you C. But I


The driver turned on the radio and turned it up to shut us up.

"My guys better."

"No! Myrnin is so much better than your scumbag."

"Someone is delusional."

"Yeah you."

"Look who's talking."

"Really M that's so childish."

"Fuck you."



"Twatplant. Go outside.... dig a hole..... bury yourself but leave your head out. So you can grow up! Twatplant!"

"That's so stupid."

"Your stupid."

"Now who's the twatplant."

"Shut up you two!" The guys shouted at the same time. We both looked at them to see their annoyed expressions. We both started having a laughing fit.

"You guys shut up!" We shouted at them. The driver (have to learn his name) turned to face us and said "Please just stop." We looked at Myrnin to see his eyes go red literally. I looked closer to see fangs. I sat back and nodded to him. When he turned back I mouthed to Monica did you see that. She nodded. I pointed to the door and she nodded. We were going to try escape. But the car is moving so we can't jump out. By now the car is awhile away from our house. "Guys we need to pee. Can you stop at a petrol station please."

"Yeah we need petrol anyway."

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