Chapter 21 Now your mine!!

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The pain was unbelievably unbearable, but seeing Claire helped, and I realised all those years of lying to myself about her killed me.

I still had feelings for her, if she remembered me everything would be alright. Right?

But, she changed over the last 3 years she hasn't read a book or even read like a sign or something, Monica turned her into that.

Claire, normal Claire reads everything. Books, walls, diaries anything everything.

Myrnin was hiding up on the ceiling with Claire and Eve.


Carrying 2 girls up the ceiling is hard when you just got stabbed.

Michael and... Bishop! Just walked through the door normally. That's when I noticed what was happening.

I could tell Michael being forced.

"I think he's been glamoured." I whispered to Eve and Claire.

"For three years, nah." She disagreed.

"No, I think he is. I remember once he told me to help him that he was being forced to do this, then he bit me." Claire whispered to Eve.

"Girl, you need clothes, good thing I come prepared." I had spare clothes.

I handed her the blue shirt with a rainbow on it from my mother to Claire. I held onto her as she threw it on. I also had these weird shorts, a shitty yellow colour and flip flops.

Myrnin just dropped as he grabbed my silver stake, he shoved it into Bishops heart, I dropped to the ground pulling out my water gun of silver and sprayed Michael in the eye.

"Your still glamoured honey, I'm sorry. If it helps, I still love you." I told him as he howled in pain and fell to the floor.

I went to help him but it blew back in my face, he was choking me now, Bishop had Myrnin by the arms pushing him back into the cage.

They didn't notice Claire slowly climbing down, she had a wooden stake gun in her hand. My newest creation decorated with rinestones like everything else.

She dropped to the floor quietly, she aimed at Bishops back. And shot him, he released Myrnin and Myrnin grabbed Michael and staked him in the stomach so it couldn't kill him just weaken.

Claire continued to shoot him continuously in the head, heart, leg, croch.

When she ran out of stakes she ran up the stairs. And out into the hall.

Myrnin grabbed Bishop and he pulled out this grey powder stuff from his pocket.

"Give me a knife." He ordered as I handed him my knife.

He dipped it into the powdery stuff he stabbed him in the heart.

Bishop re-died.

"Is he gone for good now?" I asked.

"Yeah, that's the old tree oak ashes, it kills every original." Myrnin stated as he heard footsteps he pulled me back up to the roof.

We stared down as Seymour looked around confused.

"Shit, we need her back. Bishop you king of the cockroaches! You got all the venom ready already. All we need is her." And we heard running around upstairs, he heard it too and he raced up there.

"Help her Myrnin!" I yelled at him as he ran vampire speed.


When I got there he already had her and the syringe with all the venoms in it, I heard of this before, I tried it, it worked, its how Amelie and Bishop was made. If your made this way you can make vampire army's and be a queen/king.

I created Amelie and Bishop.

"Let her go!" I yelled weaponless.

Eve came running with all the weapons ready she had a sword! A fencing sword.

"Take one more step I snap her neck. Not the first time it happened right, I could always use this on someone else. Perhaps a girl with big brown eyes, pale and black hair. Or even Claire's future children?" Seymour threatened.

"Even if you do it, I have a cure for her, so I wouldn't waste it if I were you." Myrnin lied.

He pushed the needle down into her neck and she passed out. I pounced at him with my sword.

Kiss me quick. (Morganville series my version)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن