Chapter 8 Hero.

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Pov: Claire

I woke up under the tree where I passed out. My eye feels sore. I grab a small mirror and put it up to my eye. The contact it's still in it. That's when I remembered what happened. I looked around to see if he was still here. No I can't see that blonde haired god. I notice that people are still here but not much. I push my legs up to my chest and lean back on the tree. I sit there for a while thinking. I touch my neck where he bit. It's still sore. Wait what's that? I crawl to my feet quickly yet gently so I don't fall. I walk in the house, towards the bathroom, I open the door and lock it behind me in the bathroom. I look in the mirror and tilt my head. I widen my eyes as I see holes and other bite marks. What the neck?! I know now. He bit me with his teeth. It hurts very badly, he is super pale, unnatural blue eyes. He can't be. But that's all that I can even guess he is. A vampire. Vampires don't exist Claire. I facepalmed myself. Stupid! Stupid! What is wrong with me? I have no clue.


Sup! It's super dooper short. Sorry.








Kiss me quick. (Morganville series my version)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora