XV. Kristian's room

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It's dark inside the room and Cece and Kristian are in bed, under blankets. He is on top of her and they are making out passionately. Then, they stop and look into each other eyes, breathing deeply. 

Kristian(whispers): I love you...

Cece(whispers, looking at him lovingly): I love you too...

They kiss again, slower at first and then more passionately. 

Cece(says quietly): Mhh...I'm honestly feeling so much better...

Kristian(says smiling at her): Really?

Cece(nods and kisses him): Yes...

Kristian: I'm glad...(smiles) It is because of...

Cece(interrupts him and says smiling): No...it's because of your love...and trust...and patience...and everything...

Kristian kisses her one more time, then he gets off her and lays next to her. 

Kristian: At least no one disturbed us this time..(smiles at Cece)

Cece(smiles at him): True...but we are home alone so...

Kristian: Yea... (says after 3 second) I'm going to shower. 

Cece(says quietly): Okay...

Kristian puts his pajamas pants on, stands up, turns on the lights, then he leaves the room. Cece is staring at a fix point on the wall, then she imagines that Jack is in the room.

Cece's imagination

Jack: Hello, bitch! (says smirking)

Cece looks terrified at him. 

Jack(speaks calmly): You killed us for this boy, eh? You are happy with him, aren't you? You prefer him, not us?! Where is your loyalty, Cece? 

Cece looks even more terrified at him, shaking. 

Jack(speaks still calmly): You will never be happy with him, Cece. You are only happy with us. (speaks emphatically) I have one duty for you: You commit suicide tonight. If you don't, we'll kill both of you. As I promised you before you killed us....


-after 30 minutes- 

Kristian enters the room, wearing pajamas and Cece is still laying in bed, starting at a fix point on the wall. 

Kristian(says smiling at her): I'm back. Sorry if it took me too long. 

Cece(says looking at him and faking a smile): I'm going to shower too...

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