II. Snake's house

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Cece is sitting on the ground, crying heavily. She stares at the 50 dead bodies which are right next to her and then she stands up, shaking badly. She gets closer to the dead people, closes her eyes and breathes deeply, then she walks fast towards the stairs. She walks upstairs, heads towards her room, opens the door loudly, leaving it opened and looks around the room shocked. She gets close to her bed, throws the pillows and the blankets on the floor, one by one, till she reaches her diary. She grabs her diary and goes fast downstairs. She starts crying again and touches Jack's left shoulder lightly, being terrified. His body doesn't reach as he is dead and Cece breathes, relaxing a bit and puts her hand into his left pocket. She doesn't find anything there, then she puts her hand into his right pocket and takes a lighter out of it. She opens her diary randomly and sets it on fire, then she throws it on the ground. She sits on the ground again and cries heavily, covering her eyes. After a little while, she looks at her diary and sees that the ground, the table and the clothes of the dead people are on fire, so she stands up quickly, making big eyes and screaming. She runs towards the main door, opens it, she stops for a second to breathe and sees that it is raining heavily outside and it is very dark. She starts running as fast as she can, while crying. She is running on an empty street and a car suddenly appears behind her, honks her and she runs far towards the edge of the street in order to avoid the car, but she falls on her booty on the wet ground. She stays there without moving an inch and cries loudly. Suddenly, two police officers get close to her. 

Police officer 1: Miss, what happened? 

Cece keeps crying, covering her eyes with her hands and ignores them. 

Police officer 2: Are you ok, miss? Were you hit by that car? 

Cece(says loudly, angrily, crying heavily): Take me to jail!! Take me to jail, please!! Handcuff me! Take me to jaaaaail!!!!!!

Cece faints and falls on her back, her head hitting the ground. The police officers look shocked and confused at each other.

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