XI. Forest in Russia

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It's very windy and dark inside the forest and Cece is sitting on the ground, crying. Kristian arrives right next to her.

Kristian(says quietly): Cece...

Cece(looks at him, tearing up): What?...

Kristian: Please don't get mad at me, but you really need to go to a psychologist.

Cece(says loudly): No!

Kristian: Look, I really don't think that you are crazy. I just think you may be traumatized after you....you know...after you killed 50 people...

Cece(says crying): Maybe you are right....how could I have done that, Kris? How could I?

Kristian(shrugs): I don't know what to say...

Cece(says, trying to hold back her tears): I did it because I thought it would be better for us...I tried to save our lives...But...I...I didn't really know what killing 50 people means. I didn't know I would feel so guilty...but...how could I have known? I hadn't even killed a fly before...and I'm being serious. I didn't really realize that "death"...really means death...but I can't live like that. I can't live knowing that I killed 50 people.

Cece stands up and Kristian hugs her tightly.

Kristian: That's why I said that you should go to a psychologist. He would help you with it.

Cece(sighs): No, Kris...I will try to get over it, okay...I will try my best...I promise...I bet your friends already think that I have mental problems.

Kristian: I don't know...but I'll make sure that they don't...(smiles at her)

Cece(says smiling): Thank you so much...

Kristian: Don't thank me...let's go home now.

Cece nods and they start walking, holding hands.

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