III. Hospital room

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Cece is laying on the hospital bed with her closed and her body is connected to a medical device. She wakes up, blinks a few times and looks towards the right side of the room and sees Kristian next to the bed. 

Cece(asks surprised to see him): Why are you here?

Kristian(asks worried): Why are YOU here? What happened? I heard the police reported that you may have been hit by a car but the doctors didn't find any bruises on your body. 

Cece(sighs and blinks tiredly): I wasn't hit by a car, I was hit by life.... 

Kristian(asks after looking around to make sure that no one was in the room): What did you do?

Cece(looks straight into his eyes): You know what I did...did you really have to remind me about it? 

Kristian: So they are all dead? 

Cece(starts crying lightly): Yea... 

Kristian(says, hugging her): I'm sorry I asked... I didn't mean to make you cry.... 

Cece(breathes deeply and says): I remember that I told you I couldn't even kill a fly, how could I kill 50 people? 

Kristian(stops hugging her and says): Oh, yea, I also heard you told the police to take you to jail. 

Cece(says surprised and scared): Did I?! Did I tell them why?!

Kristian: No...so they assumed that you have mental problems and they want to... 

Cece(interrupts him and says sarcastically): Great...now people think I'm crazy... 

Kristian(says smiling at her): Not really... 

Cece: I...I burnt my diary... 

Kristian: What diary? 

Cece: Well...you know I told you no one understood me....so, when I came here, I started writing in a diary...it was the only one which could have understood me and listened to me...I used to write in it about my experience in that group of murderers. But now, that experience is over so I didn't want to keep something that would have reminded me of it. 

Kristian: Oh...I  see...(asks confused): But what... 

Cece(interrupts him): Oh shit....I left it on the floor. 

Kristian(asks confused): What?! 

Cece(says agitated): I set the diary on fire and I left it on the floor, in the living room. (starts crying) The whole house was burnt down. Their dead bodies, my stuff, the money... 

Kristian(says shocked): You burnt the house down?! 

Cece(says shaking, trying to hold back her tears): I didn't want to! I wanted to burn my diary, not my house! Kris, I have nothing left now! 

Kristian(says shocked): Oh my god...I...um....

Cece: I guess I am homeless again...this time in Russia, not in Germany...(sighs) I suppose the forest is my new house now...

Kristian: Um...why not mine? 

Cece(says, looking tiredly at him): Your what? 

Kristian: My house. (looks at her) 

Cece(says shocked): What?! Are you being serious?! 

Kristian: Yes...as long as my parents don't find out... 

Cece(looks into his eyes): Why?! 

Kristian: I'm sorry...but how do you think they will feel about me taking someone who killed 50 people to our house? 

Cece(says irritated): Great...now you judge me for it?! 

Kristian: No, Cece, don't get me wrong... 

Cece: You think I'm a killer....admit it.

Kristian: You admitted it yourself. (looks at her, raising his eye-brows) 

Cece(sighs): Wow... 

Kristian: I can't tell my parents, okay? But you can come to my house, really...I'll take care of you, I promise...

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