Is this man superman or something? What the hell is wrong with him?! So he's nice looking and he knows what people are going to do before they do it, surely he's not human.

I was so caught up in thinking about what just happened, that I didn't realise Mr Anderson was gawking at me. But finally when I did look up at him, he was staring at me with a look in his eyes that I couldn't make out, and when he took a strand of my hair and lightly brushed it out my face I felt sparks. Not painful sparks obviously, but the type of sparks you feel when your in love with somebody or when you care for someone. And that exact moment I then realised something........I didn't want to feel those sparks.

I took my fist from his hand and took a huge step back from him

" I-I'm sorry, I have somewhere to be " I said as I began packing my songbook in my bag.

His eyes widened " Chasity, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. Don't leave " he cried as he took my hand.

" Don't fucking touch me! " I screamed out in anger. I didn't mean to yell at him, but I knew this wasn't right. Him and me, teacher and student, this was wrong and I didn't want any part of it.

His eyes hardened and he glared at me " But you still have to serve detention for the way you disrespected me earlier! Unless you want that conference with your parents and the principle as you next option?! " he spat.

I slung my bag over my shoulder " Go ahead I don't care! But I'd rather have that then be here with you right now! " I shouted as I stomped out his room.

I would call Yandy right now but I'm really pissed, and the last thing I wanna do is snap at Yandy because of my bad mood.

When I left out the school I began walking to my house which is like 15 minutes away. Ugh, did he really have to touch my hair, did he have to touch me period??!!!

After a few minutes of walking my feet began to hurt so I took off my heels and put them in my hand, as I walked the rest of the way to my house bare foot.

When I finally made it to my doorstep, I reached in my bag to take out my keys. But before I could get my keys out, my front door opened and a man stepped out buckling his pants up. When he seen me he stopped short and looked me up and down lustfully making me want to claw his eye balls out.

" Damn, do I get you to? " he asked eye raping me.

" What are you talking about, and who the hell are you? " I asked ready to bust him upside the head with my heels.

He smirked at me " Well, I was here to set your cable up which costs $150.00. But your mom paid me with a much better deal " he said licking his lips.

I couldn't help the disgusted scoff that escaped my mouth. Really?! Sleeping with cable men for free cable?! How low will she go?!

I glared at the man " Get the fuck off my doorstep before I beat the shit out of you " I spat with so much venom in my voice, you can almost taste my anger.

He let out a low groan " Damn, I like em feisty. You better than your mother. "

After he said that I couldn't help myself. I balled my hands up into a tight fist and punched the nasty scum in the face with all my might. When I seen his eyes roll in the back of his head, I knew that I knocked him out. I've seen that look many times before.

I stepped over his unconscious body and walked into my house and slammed the door behind me in anger.

" Chasity! Don't be slamming the door in this house like you pay bills in here! " I heard my mom scream from the kitchen.

Love At First Sight (COMPLETED)( A Student/Teacher Romance )Where stories live. Discover now