Bonus Chapter 6- Our Love- One Of A Kind!

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"Ready!" The final call was made, and all of them heard few sounds of wheel being pushed.

Aayush concentrated on the sound keenly, and his mind concluded it to be going in the south; his backward side.

He turned his body to the back, following the sound as close as he could.

He was fully concentrated on his task, but then all of a sudden a string of pain started to rise in his head due to the heat but he didn't dare to stop.

"Aayush. Come to me!" He heard Raisha Calling him, and his dizzy mind started to hallucinate her infront of him as a small smile started play on his lips.

But when he saw her dishelved look, with swollen eyes, his heart started to clench in fury and rage because he was the one responsible for her condition.

"Why did you leave me again?" She questioned him, and he blinked his lashes several times; he lost the path of sound since the second his headache started.

Not able to take it anymore, he tried to reach out for her.

"Raisha!" He whispered following her in the direction, in which she was walking away from him.

And he didn't realized when he crossed the no entry zone with stones, until he tripped on one of them banging his head on the stone right on the wound that was still healing.


Delhi, India

"Aayushhhhhhhhh!!" Raisha woke up with a jerk; her swollen eyes filled with dread and unvoiced pain. Her whole body was covered in sweat while her throat was parched.

She kept her hand on her head, as she felt a deep ache taking over her body.

"Raisha, are you okay?" Nivedita who was sleeping beside her, woke up hearing her shriek. She kept a hand on Raisha's shoulder, forcing her to turn around, and as soon as she did, she was greeted by the blood shot eyes of Raisha.

"Mom. It's Aayush. He is in pain. I can feel it. Please I want to go to him". She pleaded but her unshed tears didn't flow. Nivedita was taken aback, by her sudden demand, because since the first day he left, she didn't even took his name infront of them, let alone demand for them to take her to him.

"I want to go to him. Please. He is hurt. I know. I could feel it. He needs me. Please, let me go". She begged, and got down the bed wearing her sleepers frantically.

"Raj. Jay. Come here fast!" Nivedita yelled for her husband and son, getting down the bed. Taking long strides towards, Raisha she tried to stop her, but Raisha was hysterically calling out for Aayush as she was hit by a bad nightmare.



The duo entered into the room, to see a frantic Raisha wanting to be let out by Nivedita.

"Leave me. I want to go to him. He needs me. Please take me to him". She yelled when Nivedita wouldn't let her out of her strong grip.

"Stop it, Princess". Raj finally yelled loudly, gaining her attention. She looked at her father with blank face, unshed tears formed in her eyes.

Raj signaled Jay through his eyes to bring something, and he himself walked towards Raisha who was eyeing her father still with same look.

Once he stood infront of her, feeling his presence, Raisha raised her hand and joining them, infront of him, she begged in a vulnerable tone, "Please tell me where is he, Dad? Tell me, if you know. I can't live without him. Please".

My Innocent Love (Book 1 In Novice Love Series)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora