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Neharika Sinha's dark eyes narrowed against the glare of her computer screen's light in the darkness of her small, stuffy apartment. Pushing up her glasses abesnt mindedly, her mind was purely focused on the information flashing across her screen.

She was sure that what she was doing was highly illegal, but she was getting paid to do it. And her employer wasn't just anyone- the seventeen-year-old hacker had been temporarily hired by none other than the Director (or rather former Director) of (the newly disbanded) S.I.A. It had been nearly a year since the agency was shut down because of too many of its numbers being compromised and in league with the newest bad guy in town- Annihilate.

Despite this, Ace never lost his influence, and as long as she was able to pay her monthly rent, she was happy with whatever she could do. Still, Neharika wondered just what she was getting herself involved with as she registered only a few words that she actually understood.

Stones of Creation? What the heck was that even supposed to mean?

Not to mention the fact that there was no way Ace would trust her with the identities of the members of his precious Elite. 

There has to be some sort of catch, she thought to herself, fingers tapping away at the keyboard whose keys were the only things making any noise in the silent apartment.  And even though she knew she was potentially going to regret it later, she couldn't help but lean forward in interest at what she was reading. If Ace was going to have her break into the secure files that he had hidden when his little spy organization went down, then she may as well satisfy her curiosity while she risked her life for the man.

She'd figured that Elite was mainly comprised of a bunch of teenagers, but knowing and seeing it for herself were two vastly different things. 

Noah Strong: 19; Marksman; Hunter

Sky Brookes: 18; Leader; Justice; daughter of Captain Indestructible 

Cameron Strong: 18; Crusader; Mirage; keeper of Ragnald

Evelyn Summers: 16; Martial Artist; Comet

Olive Dash: 16; Infiltrator; Streak

And then there were Aerofire and Geowater from Prime City, but they really didn't have much in their files aside from some shaky pictures, basic skill-set, and the like. Of course, there was the unannounced information that they were apparently working with (and probably as part of) Elite, as well, but nothing more. Neharika felt the heaviness grow in the pit of her stomach upon knowing that she'd let herself in on something she definitely wasn't supposed to know. 

Curiosity killed the cat.

The dark-haired girl jumped in surprise at the sound of her doorbell echoing through her silent apartment, and froze when she realized that she barely got any visitors, let alone at 4 am. Could it be that Ace had sent someone to take her out because of what she'd seen? Her gaze slid longingly to her window, wishing she could just hurl herself out of it and somehow manage to escape, but she knew that if it was Ace, he would have people stationed everywhere she could potentially run to. 

So, with a deep breath and clenched fists in an attempt to keep her anxiety at bay, she got off the chair she'd bee occupying and quietly crept towards the front door, reluctantly unlocking it and opening it just enough for her to be able to peek through at whoever was on the other side. When her coffee colored irises met with aquamarine ones, her breath caught in her throat, and she was sure she almost fell into cardiac arrest.

"Neharika Sinha?" Cameron Strong smiled in the slightest show of amusement at the younger girl's reaction. "We were just hoping to have a quick chat with you."

In response, Neharika swallowed and nodded slowly, opening the door wider for the older girl and her unseen company. "Is there, uh, anyone else? Like, with you?" she questioned nervously when Cameron slipped in through the small space with a cat-like grace, and shut the door behind her.

Blue-green orbs scanned the dingy living room, pausing for a moment at the laptop on the small coffee table. "No," Cameron replied. The older girl looked back at Neharika over her shoulder contemplatively. "Well, yes," she amended, "but they figured they'd let me talk to you. One on one, you know. Wouldn't want to intimidate you too much."

"Sorry to say I'm already feeling pretty intimidated," Neharika muttered, her eyes fixed on the glittering reddish gemstone resting on her guest's right middle finger. "Nice ring," she commented, inching closer to the door even though it was completely futile.

Cameron seated herself on the old, battered couch, her eyes narrowing at the young Indian girl. "It's pretty enough, I suppose. We both know it's more than just that, though," she responded thoughtfully. 

Nodding at that, Neharika conceded to herself that there was no point in hiding that. "That's Ragnald, isn't it? The stone of energy," she tilted her head, watching the older girl nod as she examined the stone on her finger. "I was told that you've let yourself in on some secrets," the superhero began conversationally. 

"I was paid to," Neharika admitted. 

At that, Cameron's eyes snapped to hers. "Those files were incredibly secure. Do you understand how much clearance is needed to even know of their existence?" the light-eyed girl demanded seriously, leaning forward. 

Neharika shrugged, nervousness creeping down her spine like cold water. "I have my ways," she muttered briefly.

She wondered if that was the right thing to say when Cameron smiled in smug satisfaction, leaning back into the sofa with crossed arms, looking completely relaxed on the stained murk yellow couch. "And that's precisely why I'm here," she revealed easily. 

"Because I hacked into your files?" Neharika questioned. 

"Because you were able to hack into our files," Cameron corrected. "Ace thinks it's a good idea to recruit you to work for us, and personally, I agree with him."

Bewildered at the unexpected revelation, the younger girl could only blink. "Wait, you want a sixteen-year-old rookie hacker to work for you? As in, me for Elite. You do realize that I am technically a criminal?"

Cameron snorted at her incredulous argument. "Oh, trust me, honey. We're aware of your admittedly extensive criminal record. It's almost impressive, to be honest. However, the offer still stands, if you're willing to take it," she stood up and stretched before making her way towards the door. "It's a good deal, Neharika. And a much better life than the one you're leading now," she added, pausing to stand before the dark-eyed girl and squeezing her hand gently. 

"Besides, if you don't really accept, Ace and his connections are going to be forced to take certain...measures against you. You did technically hack into the secure files of what used to be a government agency. And let's not even speak of what you've done before that," the brunette called, opening the front door.

Neharika frowned, "That really isn't giving me much of a choice."

Cameron smirked over her shoulder. "I know. We'll be expecting you at the address tomorrow morning- or, rather, later today. 9 am, sharp. Goodnight, Ms. Sinha."

"Wha-," before she could finish the sentence, the door had already been shut, and Neharika was left alone in her apartment, clutching the piece of paper Cameron had slipped into her hand only a few moments prior. Her gaze turned to reading the neatly printed black words informing her of the address she was to go to, and requesting that she burn the paper. 

She sighed, the sound echoing in her once again empty apartment as she turned to walk into her bedroom. She figured that if she had to go to some unknown place withing the next seven hours, she may as well get some sleep for at least five of them. To think, she had just been pretty much recruited to work for Elite. She would admit that she was curious as to what they needed her to. She was sure they could've gotten someone more...compliant. 

Knowing that her questions could only be answered once she actually went there later that day, Neharika couldn't keep the small smile off her face any longer. 

Curiosity did kill the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.

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