The Missing Greene

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26th November, Friday, 3:34 pm

Something has me convinced that my most brilliant godfather has lost his sense of emotions.

Shocker, I know.

But that was the reason why Noah and I were stood outside the Cranford's door, bags in hand filled with enough clothes and such for the weekend. Simply because my nutcrack of a godfather decided that two highly qualified agents couldn't stay in his house over the course of three nights without blowing it down.

Not to mention one of us is a legal adult.

Bloody idjit. (Casually throws in Supernatural reference).

As it turns out, Easton did have some work to do so, our lie turned out be a truth. 

Good for us! Not.

Sighing, Noah rang the doorbell before throwing a desperately longing look over his shoulder. Without taking my eyes off the door, I placed my hand on his cheek and turned his head to face the door just as it opened.

Abrielle sent us a toothy grin and waved us in before pushing the door shut behind us.

"I've been waiting all day for you guys to get here! Aunt Anne doesn't usually allow for sleepovers but that's okay! We'll have tons of fun, Cam. Promise," she said happily.

Noah raised an eyebrow at me and I shrugged. "What can I say? Kids love me," I smirked. He scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"That's what I thought."
"You'll pay for that, you know," Noah warned, galring at me as he clutched his nose.
"I'm sure I will," I smirked triumphantly before walking in after Abrielle.

"Oh, you're here! I have snacks ready for you now if you want them," Anne smiled, wiping her hands with a dish towel before walking out the kitchen. "Cameron, you can room with Abby and Noah, you can decide if you want to stay with Andy or Dan," she informed us, looking expectant.

I shrugged and nodded while Noah decided to bunk with Andrew. Obviously, my brother isn't overly fond of Aerofire.

Whatever could the reason be for that?

I have no idea.

I looked over at my brother who was animatedly being chatted at by Andrew. Noah looked kind of terrified, amused and intrigued at same time; like he was observing some sort of alien or something.

"So, what do you wanna play first? We could play dress up or hide and seek. Could you do my hair for me? Aiden is terrible at it and Andy would rather play video games," Abrielle asked me, swinging her legs back and forth from the barstool she was seated on. "I'd love to do your hair for you," I smiled at her.

I'd learned a thing or two when I was being chased and needed to change my look in emergencies. My powers can be draining and half the time when I'm on missions, I function with minimal sleep and food is like a third priority. I find myself forgetting that I need those things to live.

Aiden entered the kitchen, carrying a plate in hand which he proceeded to dump in the sink.

"What's this I hear about you dissing my hairdressing skills?" He asked with a mock frown in Abrielle's direction.

"I'm not being mean, it's true!" She defended indignantly.
"The truth is mean," Andrew interjected wisely.

A silence followed where all the occupants of the room just look at him like he just swung from the cieling light.

"What?" He asked in confusion.

"Aunt Anne, she's being mean!" Aiden continued childishly, pointing an accusatory finger at Abby.

The girl huffed, crossing her arms. "And he's being immature, what's the point here?"

"Burn," Noah whisper-shouted. I nodded in agreement, "You just got sassed, son!"

"I thought you were on my side!" Aiden gasped dramatically. "I'm on the winner's side and you, sir, just got told off by a little girl. You can see why I ditched your sorry butt for Abby," I shrugged. "By that, she means she sees potential in her," Noah said whispered in a conspiring manner. "Can you blame me? I've lived with you all my life. Naturally, I'm gonna cling onto the slightest hope that the human race isn't doomed to an eternity of darkness and stupidity," I shot back.

"Alright, enough. I have to leave for work now. You know where things are, call me if you need anything else. Love you!" Anne called as she strided towards the door before finally exiting the house.

"Well then. What do we do now?" Noah asked, looking around.

"You children are on your own while the big girls have fun," I announced with Abby cheering her support. 

Long story short: I decided I would rather like to exchange Noah for Abby at Siblings r Us.

26 November, Friday, 10:37 pm

Is it weird that I kind of wanted something weird to happen in the city so when Aiden freaked and ran for it to save the day, I could totally call him out on it?

I don't even care if it is. I'm flipping Mirage; my definition of 'weird' is just royally screwed up anyways.

But, here I was, watching Martian next to the dark haired boy I wanted to point at and yell, "Yo, Aerofire! Yeah, I know what you do when nobody's looking and guess what. I wanna recruit you to a team where we do the exact same thing. Yay, us!"

Anne had returned at around 7 from her job at the hospital and at around 9, the kids had been sent off to bed. Noah had left a while back which left Aiden and I to sit in a semi-awkward silence. I just didn't know what to talk about without sounding all-knowing, sociopathic or creepily intelligent. Really, this mission was just a test of my tolerance and social skills.

I pride myself on manipulation but I had nothing at the moment that didn't seem too trivial. Besides, I ended up trying to figure out what to do about the whole recruitment thing.

Personally, I thought that we should just come out with our identities but then we'd be at a major disadvantage if they still refused to join the team. (Not that they should. After all, being an Elite is something of an honor and you'd be stupid to turn down the opportunity. We were like the Avengers or the Justice League for crying out loud). Best course of action would be to carry a rational negotiation but we'd need the real reason why Ace wanted them and the stupid prat wasn't laying down any of his cards so that just made everything harder.

I knew the recruitment was a distraction, figured that much out soon enough, but what was Ace hiding?

My question remained unanswered as my phone belted out the beginning of Collar Full by Panic! At the Disco before I picked it up.

"Noah, what's up?" 

"Cam, Scarlett's missing," was what greeted me from the other line.

"What? Where are you? What are you even doing there at 10?" I frowned.

Scarlett Greene was missing? Noah sounded incredibly distressed. Is it weird that I kind of ship them? No? Good, because this ship has sailed and there's no stopping it now.

"I had to pick up one lf my books from her house but her parents told me that she never turned up after school and she usually tells them if she goes anywhere. So, I told them that I'd just get my book and leave but I searched around, obviously, and I found this card with a weird symbol on it and an adress. I did some searching and it turns out that the address is to some warehouse near the industrial area. Cam, we have to save her," Noah said all this as quickly as he could without being incoherent.

"Did the symbol look like some weird Celtic lightning bolt?"

 When the answer came in the affirmative, I had my conclusions: 

a) Scarlett was abducted by Cataclysm, and

b) Cataclysm knew exactly who we are.

Elite: RagnaldOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant