Finding the Factory

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31 December, 10:46 pm

"This looks like something could die here and nobody would even know," Sky stated as she examined the damp brick walls of the sewer we were stood inside, her green eyes gaining a strange cat-like quality under the dull overhead lamps that provided everything with a yellow tinge.

"My appetite just did," Eve muttered under her breath distastefully, critical gray eyes fixed determinedly ahead. 

"I'm sorry that this tour hasn't been up to your expectations, ladies," Scot drawled, stopping in a spot that was completely indistinguishable from every other inch of the sewer. "I'll be sure to bring it up with the management later."

"Yeah? Well, the management just hacked the security cameras to replay the same boring footage of nothingness over and over again so, I reckon you should be a little more grateful," Ryder muttered over the comm. link. "How will we ever repay you?" Sky drawled sarcastically, glaring at me when I shot her a quick smirk.

In the background, I heard Noah make barfing noises while Ollie laughed before Ryder told them to put a sock in it.

"If everyone would kindly shut up," Aiden called everyone to attention. "You are currently almost to our special entrance. Just take a left at the next turn and climb through the first pipe hole you see. Scott knows the rest."

"Isn't directing them my job?" Ryder questioned.

"Well, you were too distracted so, I figured I may as well make sure they don't get lost down there. No offense, but you suck at this," Aiden said, probably shrugging. 

We followed Aiden's instructions, crawling through the 32 inch diameter hole that opened into another circular room with pipes leading in and out. The murky water swirled beneath my boots while I inspected the dark and damp area. However, I could make out rungs built into the opposite wall.

I turned to Scott with a raised eyebrow, nodding at the rungs that led to a closed celing and he nodded in return, confirming that we had to climb up.

"In fear of stating the obvious," Eve began. "Those kind of lead up to nowhere."

"Ah, but what you see isn't always what you get," Scott grinned, a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

"So dramatic," Sky whispered to me.

"He sounds like a younger Dumbledore," I agreed. "Harry, my boy, you mustn't forget that what you see isn't always what you get," I imitated, giving off a wink. "Especially when magic is involved."

"Nicely done, Cameron," Sky complimented, giving me a fist bump.

We turned back in time to see that Scott had already climbed up, leaving four rungs between him and the ceiling. With an arm raised above his head, he clenched his hand into a fist before slowly moving it to the side, a square of the ceiling following his movement. He looked at us over his shoulder. "We always enter this way," he explained with a grin before climbing the rest of the way and disappearing through the square.

"Come on up," his voice called and the three of us exchanged glances before shrugging. Eve went first, then me and lastly, Sky climbed through.

I looked around, trying to make something out of the darkness that shrouded every recess of the room. And I thought the lighting down in the sewers was terrible.

Once my eyes had finally adjusted to dark, I realised that we'd popped up in what looked like the break room for the employees.

Scott moved the floor back into place and it hit me that we'd have to find another way to get out of here. How freaking brilliant.

Elite: RagnaldDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora