Our Lives are Lies

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Why do we even have to find their secret identities before we recruit them? Why not just walk up to them our costumes and tell them that Ace loves them?" Olli questioned from her seat next to me. "And if that doesn't work, we just kidnap them," Eve inputed from next to Olli.

I resisted the urge to bang my head against the window I was facing.

"Beats me. But seriously guys, shut up," Sky told them from the passenger seat.

"They're just complaining cause they have to go to school," Noah teased from behind the wheel.

"You guys have to along with us, remember?" Eve reminded us. "Yeah, but we've all done it before," I shrugged. Olli and Eve sighed as Sky and I fist-bumped.

"On the bright side, you'll get to see Jordan," Noah grinned at them through the rear-view mirror. "He has an awesome collection of books," Eve grinned. She was something of a book obsessed freak. The tiniest bend and she goes ballistic. It's slightly scary. But, I love her like a little sister.

"Why can't you guys stay with us?" Olli asked. "Cause it'll be too obvious if 5 kids move in at the same time as Elite comes to the city," I answer like she's stupid. I mean come on, that was a pretty dumbass question. It just insults my intelligence.

"Who cares? Eve's right. If bad comes to worse, we'll kidnap them next time they go to save someone," Olli shrugged. I turned to her bemused. "You really worry me, Olive," Noah mumbled. "I try," Olli drawled sarcastically.

"This place is posh," Sky muttered distastefully. "At least where Noah and I are gonna live , it's more mundane," I agreed with her. "Stop complaining. You're acting like little children," Eve chided.

Doing the mature thing, Sky pouted at her. Noah snorted.

He turned and rounded the corner. Silently, we looked around at the neighborhood. "Well here it is" Noah said pulling up in the driveway. "Woah," Eve breathed. Sky hummed in agreement. "Okay so maybe this won't be so bad," Olli admitted. The house was a three storey one and... Holy mother of Zeus, that was a big garage. The front door opened and out came bounding Jordan Lightwood. "You're here!" He said happily. I raised my eyebrows and smiled at him.

Then, he wrapped us up in a hug. It was big hug. And he managed to wrap up 5 people in it.

There we go, that's Jordan's superpower. He can wrap up bad guys in giant hugs and choke them to death after making them feel awkwardly uncomfortable. All hail the Lightwood. If he ever tries to take over the world, I'm siding with him.

"Come in, you guys. Easton hasn't reached yet but when he does, he'll give a call," Jordan herded us in through the front door. We entered the  and I hummed in approval. Noah whistled.

"We're living here for a year," Eve said happily. Olli raced over and sank into the sofa with an expression that suggested that she wanted to live in it.

Sky rushed to the windows and stick her head out happily. "I'm glad you like it. I designed this place myself, you know, as practice for the whole interior designer cover up thing," Jordan said proudly.

"I didn't know that you were some sort of undercover interior designor. What else have you hidden from us Jordy?" I turned to him with a small smile playing on my lips. "Secret agent by day and interior designor by night... While being a secret agent at night too...?" Noah mused. I snorted slightly. "Hilarious guys," Jordan rolled his eyes. "You wouldn't have us any other way," Noah and I smiled cheekily. 

"Ermagawd! You have cheese!" Sky yelled, running in to the room while clutching a packet of cheese strings. There's her cheese enthusiast shining through.

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