Chance Encounters

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4th September, Wednesday, 11:17 pm

I was on patrol duty. Yay! Not.

Ever since we'd moved here, one of the Elite members would anonymously patrol Prime City, looking for anyway that we could help or just finding clues to who Aerofire and Geowater could be. 

At that moment, I was on the top floor of Crystal Tower, which was a building that caught and reflected the sunlight like it was made of crystals, had 143 floors in it and housed several rich people meetings. It also had an amazing view of Prime City.

The night sky resembled the color of ink with just a splash of stars twinkling along. The city itself looked busy as ever. The streetlights and the lights from several hundred houses glittered harmoniously and the cars whizzed by on the streets. The Rivera Bridge stood proudly, connecting Prime City to Port Eldoris.

I don't think enough people stopped to appreciate just how beautiful all these things are. Tomorrow all of it could disappear and no one would notice. That's exactly how small everyone's world is.

My chain of thoughts was broken by the movement on the roof of Prime City Bank. Aerofire and Geowater were fighting with a couple dozen robot things. They were doing fine, dealing out a ton of damage but they weren't exactly coming out unscathed. I sighed and closed my eyes, pouring all my concentration into my mental image of the bank. I felt the familiar tug in the pit of my stomach and the cold that settled over me. And then all I knew was the weightlessness.

I opened my eyes to find that I was standing behind Geowater on the roof of Prime City Bank. No one seemed to have noticed me yet. Taking three steps back, I ran forward and propelled myself over the super wearing the blue and green bodysuit. Flipping midair, I landed in a perfect crouch with one hand on the floor. Sweeping out the robot's feet from underneath it, I stood up and kicked it's face in.

Without questioning my presence, Geowater made a ball of water in his palm and sent it flying towards one of the robots, causing it to twitch and malfunction before crumpling in a heap. Aerofire decided to pursue his life long dream of becoming a flying human flame thrower. In the meantime, I used my telekinesis to levitate some robot's detached arm to whack another robot over the head repeatedly.

A few energy blasts and clever transmutations later, we stood back-to-back on top of the roof. I stepped away first seeing as I didn't like strangers and all the robots were already dead in twitching heaps on the ground. Turning around to face the boys, I found them already looking back at me. 

"Mirage" Geowater acknowledged. I blew a strand of my blue hair out of my face. Yeah, Mirage was known for having long blue hair and galaxy eyes. I'm pretty good at the Illusive Appearance branch of magic. I do the same for all the others too. It's just illusions. And we had eyemasks for good measure.

"Hello boys" I smirked. "Umm... No offense or anything, but why are you here?" Aerofire crossed his arms. I tilted my head to the side, mulling over what lie to use. In the end, I just shrugged. "That would be telling, wouldn't it?" I teased. They probably rolled their eyes under the eyemasks but I couldn't tell because they had this white thing covering the area with their eyes. They could see the outside very clearly but nobody would be able to tell their eye color.

"But seriously. I'm here simply because my boss decided to be an ass" I stated. They glanced at each other. "And the rest of the Elite?" Geowater asked carefully. "Yeah, we're all here" I waved my hand flippantly. "Why?" Geowater asked bluntly. I raised an eyebrow at him. "What he means is what are you guys doing here in Prime? With all due respect, we have this covered" Aerofire said after glaring in warning at his fellow super.

"Yes, I got that" I mused. They looked at me expectantly. I looked up at the full moon that shone brightly overhead. It looked mesmerizing. In my head, I was already imagining the house. I could already imagine my bed and wall adjacent to it with the Beatles wallpaper. Looking back at the boys, I smirked at them.

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