Cataclysmic Reveals

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10 September, Wednesday, 5:46 pm

I put down the pen and stare at the finished packet in front of me. Easy peasy. Honestly, I don't even have to try that hard at this school. Everything is so easy. I began like, 15 minutes ago and here I am. Wondering what I should do now.

The team didn't know that Aiden was Aerofire yet, I hadn't told them. Maybe once we were sure of who Geowater was, I would but right now wasn't the right time. 

I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't avoiding the guy just a teensy bit. He never brought up his little hobby of climbing up pipes and I never mentioned having seen it. I spent a respectable amount of time with him cause, ya know, Mirage and shit but I'd begun hanging out with Scott. He was a nice guy. Incredibly persistent on trying to get to know me.

So, he's made some progress with Cameron Winston. Cameron Strong.... Not so much.

But, points for effort!

Propping my head up by my fist, I proceeded to blankly stare at the kitchen wall visible below the cabinets. "It's not going to come alive to entertain you, you know," Easton said from the stairs. I could see him in my peripheral vision, an amused smile on his face.

"Hey, East," I sighed.

"What's up Cam?" Easton asked, sitting down on the barstool next to mine.

I shook my head, causing a few locks of hair to fall out of the messy bun that I'd gathered my hair into at the back of my head. "I don't know. Nothing seems to be happening. We're not making any progress and I really dislike long term missions. School is useless and I can't help but feel like we're wasting time. I mean, what's the point of recruiting those two into the Elite program anyways?" I asked, throwing my hands up.

Easton didn't say a word so I continued. "We're  perfectly fine on our own and won't it be difficult to fly these two in and out of Prime every time someone bad decides to take over the planet?" 

East sighed and rubbed circles on my back. "I know darling but it's better to have important assets for whenever you might need help," he said consolingly. "The fact that they're in Prime City can also be a benefit," he added. I raised an eyebrow. "What if your team gets compromised during a mission in New York or something? They could help," he explained.

I scoffed. "All of Elite getting compromised? I think not," I muttered.

"You don't know what others might know about you Cameron," he said warningly. Patting my shoulder, he got up and disappeared into his study.


Secret Agent training 101; rule no. 1:- Never underestimate a possible opponent. Rule no. 2:- Knowledge is power.

Pulling out the hairclip that was holding my brown hair back, I ran a hand through my hair. Noah was at the library, doing research for some project with his partner - a girl named Scarlett. She was really nice and wether Noah admitted or not, he liked her. End of story. So anyways, I wasn't really too big on watching TV or using my phone right now (or ever, really) and annoying my brother was out so, what do I do now?

'Do your job' a sarcastic little voice whispered in my head. I let out a groan that came out muffled because of the fact that I had my face in my hands. But I was right, I knew that (I was usually right) so I decided to take my advice to do my job. May as well figure out who EarthAqua man was and get it over with.

Then I could go back to life threatening missions with the occasional splash of superhero-ing. You know, the usual.

I climbed the stairs, walked into my room and threw open my closet. I changed into a classic fitting black full sleeves top, stretchy black pants, combat boots and fingerless gloves. Strapping on my tool belt, I headed down the stairs and walked soundlessly into the kitchen.

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