I don't think I ever plan on explaining (+Life Update Maybe?)

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I will say, I left wattpad totally intent on never returning and waving my middle finger in the air as my own way of saying "Fuck ya'll, this made me upset and shit"

But over the past year I've grown up just a bit more and I kinda realized that I don't even care anymore lolol

My reason for leaving doesn't hold up anymore because I don't feel the same way as I was before.

So basically, I don't think I'll be on this account very frequently (I've made a new life somewhere else lol) but I think I want to return here just because it's kinda nostalgic and nice here in it's own right.

I can kinda look back on what an idiot I was lol (Even if I'm still stupid now)


Quick Life Update:

- I fucking love my new friends at my new school to bits holy shit like I never knew people could actually be so nice what the hell

- I'm less uptight about grades recently

-It's finals week and I want to die

-Even if I'm happier where I am now, it doesn't mean my life is instantly better than before. I'm still a gloomy piece of shit, and my friends have made it clear that it's okay to be like that

-I gave up my mature act, which in turn, led me to be more like myself, and in a way, made me more mature than when I actually tried to be mature.

-I get to spend lots of time with my wonderful bf this summer, (yay)

-Learned that I'm actually queer as fuck, so hey, that's a thing now. Guess it's fine tho, since I'm dating someone it shouldn't matter lol

-I have a super cool friend I ride the bus with and we always buy snacks before we get to the bus stop and talk about DnD, it's great

-Fuck yes I love roleplaying

-May or may not have become more of a dork than I already was. (except, I always was, just never showed it before because fuCK YOU)


-I learned i need to eat better

-I also learned that my friends have an intent to overfeed me

-I have officially become the baby of this new family I created at my school and it's great because people are always feeding me and carrying me around and shit life is great

-Even when times are tough and I'm super stressed, I'm not dead yet like I was before


So yeah, that's what's been going on in my life so far

I won't be on wattpad frequently, but I think occasional life updates would be pretty cool. Idk


Nice seeing ya'll again, go fuck yourselves lol

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