I'm feeling conceited today

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I saw a YouTuber do this 50 facts about one's self thing and I thought it would be fun.

Plus I'm feeling like crap today so this might be a good pick-me-up.

1.) I hate black licorice. It makes me want to vomit.

2.) My sweet tooth knows no bounds

3.) For some reason, "kill" is a common word in my daily vocabulary.

4.) I have a dog and I don't know what his birthday or breed is.

5.) I'd much rather text someone than call them. It's easier that way.

6.) When I was in elementary school I wanted to be a teacher when I grew up

7.) I actually really like the color pink.

8.) My favorite tea is Earl Gray due to the amount of caffeine in it and how good it tastes with milk and vanilla.

9.) I'm mildly lactose intolerant, so I drink lactose free milk with everything.

10.) My favorite flowers are daisies, sunflowers, and baby's breath.

11.) I went through an emo phase in middle school.

12.) In reverse harems I usually like the tsunderes. I don't know why.

13.) I haven't seen Naruto.

14.) I don't like Sword Art Online

15.) I only ever play Nintendo games, and occasionally play PC games.

16.) Drawing is as hard for me as it is for anyone else. I just practice a lot more than average.

17.) I'm drinking a London Fog Latte while writing this

18.) I get cold really easily, and I tend to shiver a ton.

18.) I hate coffee.

19.) My favorite cereal is life cereal. It tastes like childhood. XD

20.) I don't have a particular best friend, just lots of friends

21.) I'd prefer listening to other's rant about their problems than ranting about mine.

22.) The first band I ever freaked out over was Owl City. (2nd grade)

23.) I prefer cool metals over gemstones.

24.) I'm allergic to sterling silver

25.) The time period I'm awake is from 1:00pm-2:00am.

26.) I wake up at 6:30am during the school year

27.) I prefer wearing knee socks with my skirts.

28.) My favorite book is Howl's Moving Castle, even though I never finished it.

29.) My guilty pleasure with Nintendo is playing Style Savvy.

30.) If I were super rich I'd buy a vacation home in the country side for my family and friends to visit.

31.) I've never broken a bone

32.) I like having my nails painted, I just do too much with my hands to be able to keep nicely polished nails.

33.) I don't need braces

34.) I started using curse words regularly in 3rd grade. (With my friends and sister anyways. Gotta stay respectful and polite with the Adults y'know?)

35.) The one class I could very likely pass without trying is literature and language Arts

36.) My first game system was a Gameboy Advanced

37.) I hate sports. And being athletic in general. I'd much rather just stay fit with daily exercise than avidly being a health nut

38.) Someday, I'd like to try going vegan, if only for a week.

39.) I'd like to live in Southern California someday. It sounds so nice and warm there~

40.) I'm scared of bugs, clowns, and ghosts. I also dislike horror movies.

41.) I got my first computer when I was four. My dad found it at his work for free.

42.) I'd rather stay home than go out with friends without a plan.

43.) I love rain

44.) I'm a Pisces, but you probably already know that.

45.) Black, gray, and pastel purple are some of my favorite colors. Oh, and lemon yellow of course.

46.) I usually only listen to music for the lyrics. When it's instrumental, I listen for the depth.

47.) I wish I could learn the cello and guitar

48.) I enjoy listening to indie music and occasionally whatever's on the top 50.

49.) I'm very picky about chocolate

50.) I really like sushi

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