Part 22

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I found myself at a bar with Steph, Mitch and Auston not particularly enjoying myself. Girls have been all over Auston all night and I really can't handle it, I know we aren't together but it still hurts and I still get jealous.

A handsome man came up to me and started flirting with me, of course, I flirted back. He bought me a drink and we chatted for a while and eventually began making out.

"What the fuck? Dude get off of her!" I heard Auston get mad and shove the man out of the way.

"Bro what the hell? She didn't tell me she had a boyfriend!" The guy put up his hands defensively.

"Auston!" I yelled at him, I couldn't believe him.

"What?!" He yelled, right back at me.

"You have been flirting with girls all night and the minute I am with a guy you come in here and break it up like you own me! Like you told me, you don't want commitment! So what the fuck are you doing?!" I was now fuming, I couldn't believe him.

"Leave Alina! I never want to see you again! Fuck you!"

With his words running through my mind and Steph and Mitch calling after me, I stormed out of the bar and took a cab back to my apartment.

I checked the time before I called, but I called my mom's best friend in Russia. I needed to get away, I needed to go home.

"Lydia!" I cheered when she picked up.

"Alina my dear! I haven't heard from you in ages. How are you?" She was happy to hear from me.

We chatted for a long while, I told her about my sister being pregnant and about everything that's been going on. That's when I brought it up.

"Ive been thinking... and I want to come home. I was wondering if I could stay with you guys?" I waited for her response but it didn't take long.

"Of course you can Alina! Ivan will be so happy to have you here as will everyone else. Have you booked a flight?"

"Im booking one now. The earliest flight is tomorrow morning at 6am. Is it okay if I come that soon?"

"Of course! I can not wait!"

And with that I was packing my bags to go to Russia. I booked a return flight 45 days later, that way I could always change it to come back sooner or stay in Russia longer.

"Hey... I'm going to Russia for a bit. I'll see you when I'm back. Xoxox

"What?! Alina call me!"

"Ill call you when I land"

The plane ride was long... but it gave me lots of time to think. I was excited to be going home, but staying with Ivan was going to be odd. Ivan Provorov and I dated for 7 months when we were 16, it was a long distance relationship and that is ultimately why we broke it off. Now he plays in the NHL and he's doing well for himself and I'm happy for him, but I often think of him and the feelings that I still have for him.

Lydia and Ivan were at the airport in Moscow waiting to pick me up, so before I went and greeted them I gave Steph a quick call, just to let her know I'm okay.


I had a brutal case of jet lag for the last few days but I woke up this morning feeling a lot better. I went downstairs at ate breakfast with everyone for the first time since I arrived.

"Jet lag is finally subsiding?" Lydia smiled at me as I sat at the table.

"Yes! Thank goodness!"

As the day went on I sat around, not doing much. Ivan and I caught up a bit, talking here and there about different things, mostly making small talk.

When everyone went to bed, it was just Ivan and I. We were watching some weird Russian program on tv when he suddenly clicked it off.

"Ive missed you." He whispered sweetly in my ear, making me grin and sending shivers down my spine.

He slid his hand up and down my thigh, making me turned on just by his touch.

"Ivan! We can't do this here!" I exclaimed, blushing.

"I know somewhere we can go." He grabbed my by the hand and took his keys. We got into his car and he drove to a quiet, dark spot, just outside Moscow.

We were in the back of his suv making out and it was getting very steamy. It led to passionate love-making. Different than what Auston and I do. Auston is very rough, aggressive and dominant which I enjoy, but Ivan is caring and loving and he makes the experience a beautiful thing for both parties.

On the way back we were both exhausted, I was drifting off in the passengers seat when I heard a loud horn and two bright headlights speeding right towards us.

And then everything went black.

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