Part 5

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When we got to the club, the place was surprisingly very busy, and Steph and I had already been drinking before we got here, so we were definitely ready to go.

I took a couple shots of tequila and left my friends in the dust. I was ready to dance, and lucky for me it was one of the few things I was genuinely good at.

As I was dancing I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist, I spun around to face the stranger. He was cute, not specifically my type, but he would do. I started dancing on him, shaking my ass a little, he was loving it, and I was having fun.

After the song I was thirsty so I said goodbye to the stranger and went to grab a drink, I walked up beside Auston who was with Mitch and Steph.

"Looks like you had fun dancing." Auston scoffed when I walked up.

"Well isn't that the point?" I questioned.

He just rolled his eyes and shook his head. Honestly the way he treats me kinda makes me sad, because as more time goes by, my feelings for him become more and more valid, and strong.

"We're gonna go dance!" Mitch called as he dragged Steph on the dance floor, I nodded my head at them and looked back at Auston who happened to be staring at me.

"What are you looking at?" I asked, being sassy back to him.

"Nothing." He stuttered a bit.

Did I just catch the one and only Auston Matthews staring at me? Hopefully. Who am I kidding though, if he liked me then he wouldn't be so rude.

"Can I please get a glass of water?" I asked the bartender, who nodded his head and slid me a glass of the cold liquid.

I drank some water and set it down on the bar, and I realized someone was standing beside me. It was the cute stranger I was dancing with.

"Hi, I'm David." He smiled, shaking my hand.

"Alina." I replied.

"So... I know this is upfront, but do you want to get out of here with me?" He asked.

I was shocked by what he just said. Who did he think I was? Some skank that would leave the club with anyone who asked?

"Thank you for the offer, but I'm going to have to pass this time." I said apologetically.

"What do you mean?" He asked, suddenly becoming agitated.

"I would rather not. I'm sorry." I spoke, now feeling like I was in a dangerous situation.

"Why not?!" He slammed his hand down on the bar, making me jump, I didn't know what to say or what to do. I was honestly frozen in fear.

"Leave her alone man." Auston demanded, standing up beside me.

"Oh and who are you? The older brother?" The guy mocked.

Even though Auston was here to help me, I was still scared. What if he tried to hurt Auston, maybe he had a knife or a gun, that's what was scary about it.

"No, but I won't let her be put in a dangerous situation. So leave her alone, or I will make you." Auston threatened.

It made my heart skip a beat. The way he was standing up for me like that, oh my god.

"What are you gonna do, punch me?" The guy was trying to provoke Auston, and I could see that he was getting mad.

I stepped in front of Auston, softly grabbing his forearms.

"Auston it's okay." I said gently, trying to get him to calm down. It just seemed like he got even more tense under my touch, so I let go and he calmed down.

The guy shook his head and stormed away.

"Thank you." I said softly, looking up at him.

He shook it off as if it were nothing, but being my size and stuff, it was easy for me to be put into dangerous situations. People saw me as easy prey I guess.

"Just stay close, incase he's still around and tries to pull something." Auston huffed as he sat back down into his chair. I could tell he was having a bad time and I felt sorry for him.

"Maybe we can leave soon. I'll mention it to Steph that I'm tired." I smiled, trying to get him to cheer up.

"Yeah." Is all he said.

When Steph and Mitch came back over to where Auston and I were I told her I was feeling tired and I wanted to leave soon.

"Auston, do you feel like walking Alina home?" Mitch asked

"Sure." He said, seemingly annoyed or frustrated or both.

He grabbed my hand roughly and basically dragged me out of the club and outside. I didn't realize how could it was until we were down the block and I was shivering.

"Are you cold?" Auston asked sarcastically.

"No." I stated through clenched teeth.

"Yes you are." Auston groaned.

I didn't say anything. I didn't want him to make fun of me for not wearing a jacket.

"I don't even have a jacket to give you!" He exclaimed, sounding slightly upset about it.

It wasn't until I was wrapped tightly in Austons arms that I realized what he was doing. He was rubbing my arms up and down trying to give me some warmth, and hugging me so our bodies could share heat.

After a good minute of that he finally let go.

"Will you make it without freezing to death?" He asked.

"Maybe we should run." I suggested and we both started running, I was following Auston, I didn't even know how to get to my apartment from the club, but I assumed Auston knew where he was going.

We stopped outside of a tall building, it looked somewhat familiar, but it wasn't my building.

"This isn't where I live.." I said suddenly, realizing that I didn't even know where we were.

"I know. But this is where I live. You're coming inside, I'd rather know you're safe here than going back to yours."

"Auston I don't even have pajamas!" I exclaimed as he pulled me through the doors and into the elevator.

When we got to his apartment he went into his room and I followed him.

"You can have my bed and I'll sleep on the couch." He said as he threw me a large shirt to wear.

"No way, I'll sleep on the couch, this is your house." I insisted, but he wouldn't let me.

"Get into my bed. If you don't sleep in it then I guess neither of us are." He said sharply, before leaving the room, leaving me to stand there alone.

I took off my clothes and put on the shirt. It was so huge on me, it went down to my knees. But Auston does have an entire foot of height on me, so it makes sense.

I walked back to the living room to find Auston sitting there on his phone.

"Yes?" He asked, not looking away from the screen.

"Can I get some water?" I asked innocently.

He looked up at me and smirked, most likely at my appearance and then went into the kitchen to get me water. Which reminded me of the last time I was trying to get water around him, at Mitch's place. Part of me wished he'd do that again but another part of me knew he wouldn't.

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