Part 12

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"Yeah so now she's all beaten up because you guys left her alone." I was drawn out of sleep by the sound of Auston' s voice and the slam of a hand on the table.

Groaning, I rolled out of bed to go see what was up. I walked out into the kitchen so see Steph, Mitch and Auston, Aus was looking extremely frustrated. Honestly though, I wasn't that mad at either of them, I expected that i'd be left alone anyways.

"Hey guys." I said quietly, causing Steph and Mitch to spin around and face me, both of them looking extremely upset when they saw how I looked.

"Alina! Oh my God I'm so sorry!" Steph shrieked and ran over to me to hug me, she started crying. Mitch apologized and hugged me next, they felt really bad.

"Guys it's fine! It's not like I'm in critical condition." I said chuckling, knowing full well the amount of pain I was still in and how bad I probably looked. My lip felt so swollen and I could see the darkness around my eye. My wrist  was hurting worse today than last night.

Auston still hadn't said anything, he was just eyeing me. Luckily it was the end of the season and he really didn't have much responsibility as far as schedules go or else I would've felt bad for him picking me up last night.

"Do you have pain killer?" I asked suddenly, feeling shooting pains through my wrist.

Auston nodded and pulled a bottle from the cupboard and then got a glass of water for me.

"Take two." He planted the bottle down in front of me sassily and I thanked him for it. He just nodded.

We stayed a little bit longer but we could all tell that Auston was in a horrible mood. I didn't want to overstay my welcome so I suggested that we go and they agreed.

"Thank you Auston, for everything you did for me last night and this morning. I appreciate it." It was more than necessary to thank him for helping me.

"Well hopefully there isn't a next time." He shot harshly at me.

I just nodded, not sure how to take that. He was nice to me one minute and then rude the next. It makes no sense.

When we got to the car Steph and Mitch were asking a ton of questions about last night and everything. I told them about my wrist and Mitch took a random U-turn.

"Where are we going?" I asked suddenly, interrupting Steph while she was talking to me.

"You're going to the hospital Alina, you need medical attention." He sounded like a dad. But the thing with Mitch is he was always so immature but when he needed to be, he was the dad friend.

We waited at the hospital for about an hour and a half before I began receiving help. I told the doctors what happened and they checked for a concussion, luckily I didn't have one. And then they did x-rays and eventually I had a pink cast on my wrist, because it  was broken. My lip was cleaned up properly and they gave me a spray that would prevent infection, as for my eye, ice will be the only thing that's going to help me. They prescribed some pain killers and sent me on my way, thank God it didn't take that long.

Mitch and Steph wouldn't let me go home, even though that's all I really wanted to do.

They wanted to watch a scary movie, so during the really scary parts I just scrolled on social media. I posted a picture of my cast on my snapchat story and people started flowing in, asking what happened.

Auston Matthews
"Is your wrist broken?!"

"Yeah lol"

Auston Matthews
"Oh my God I'm so sorry I didn't take you last night!"

"Don't be! It's okay!!"

Steph made really delicious pasta for dinner, surprisingly she's a very good cook. And after dinner we watched another scary movie and they insisted i just stay the night. So I did.

In the morning Mitch drove me home, it felt nice to be back in my own space, not intruding on anybody. I took a shower with my arm wrapped in plastic wrap, I ordered McDonald's breakfast burritos from skip the dishes, I didn't even know they had McDonald's on skip.

Lounging at home all day was nice, I had on light pink velvet shorts and a white tank top. It was so comfy, I was happy to just chill, I needed it.

I got bored though, and I couldn't stop thinking about Auston. I decided to scroll through his Instagram and see pictures of him and that was a good idea until I accidentally liked a picture from three years ago. Cursing myself, I instantly unliked it, but I wasn't fast enough.

Auston Matthews
"You unliked my picture?"

I didn't reply, what was I supposed to say?

Auston Matthews
"Its okay, lots of girls like my pictures."

"Lucky you."

I rolled my eyes and then stopped scrolling down his Instagram, I couldn't let that happen again. It was embarrassing.

A long while after that happened, at least three hours, I heard a knock at my door. It's like 8pm, who could be here?

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