Part 9

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We had our face masks on and we were all in the bathroom eating ice cream and gossiping.

"You guys could pass as twins!" Steph looked at us in awe and we laughed. That wasn't the first time we've ever been told that.

"I so wish I could have some wine." Anastasia whined, but she knew better.

"Why can't you?" Steph asked, oblivious.

Neither of us said anything, Anastasia looked at me for something to say. I mean, it was just Steph and she wasn't going to judge.

"I'm pregnant. I just found out." Anastasia said sadly.

"Oh wow. I wasn't expecting that." Steph chuckled and so did I.

"But it'll be okay. Your sister is awesome and I'm her best friend and we will get you through this." Steph patted anastasias thigh which made her brighten up.

After that little confession, we had a really fun night, talking about a lot of stuff and laughing so much.

"So Alina, Auston is like really into you." Steph said nonchalantly.

"What?" I asked, laughing at what she just said.

"I'm serious. I 'accidentally' read his conversation with Mitch and all he talks about is you." She grinned.

"So then why is he always mean to me?" I asked, extremely puzzled.

"Who knows? But it's good news isn't it!" She cheered.

I nodded my head. I wasn't sure if it was good news or not.


After Anastasia and I spent a few days with each other she decided it was a good idea to go back home. I agreed, as much as I love my sister, I just needed some alone time.

I stayed with her though, when our parents were talking to her, just to make sure she was okay. But they were surprisingly very okay with it. They know Ana is a smart girl with goals, and this baby was just going to be an asset to her life.

I felt bad though, her years to party and have fun wouldn't happen now. But hey, maybe this baby is what she needs, maybe partying would take her down the wrong path.

I got home and hung out all day, not talking to anyone, just chilling. Having a good time in my own company, I made myself some food, I baked some yummy chocolate desserts. It was going well. Lucky for me, my metabolism is very fast or else I would be 900 pounds.

After my unproductive day, I fell asleep very quickly, because I was exhausted.

In the morning I put on just a basic all black outfit, nothing special and I wrapped up some of the treats I made yesterday and took them over to Steph and Mitch's place.

I knocked on the door and Steph answered, looking cute as ever.

"Alina!" She exclaimed

"Hey, I brought some sweets that I made." I smiled as I walked into the kitchen and set them down.

"They're probably poisoned!" I heard a voice from the living room call.

"Who's that?" I whispered to her.

"Auston!" She smiled winking and I rolled my eyes.

"Go talk to him!" She urged.


"Yes! He doesn't bite!" She was really trying to get this to happen.

"Steph! He's going to catch on that I like him!"

"Who do you like?" The voice was now closer now. Coming from almost just behind me.



"Nobody you know." I spoke quickly, spinning around to face Auston.

"Well who is it?" He pried.

"Just someone. It's pointless anyways, he wouldn't like me back." I chuckled to myself.

"Not true! I bet he already does!" Steph winked at me and I remembered what she said about the conversation she read.

"Well if that doesn't work then I know someone who does like you." It was Mitch talking now.

"Oh? And who's that?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

I saw Auston shift nervously in my peripheral vision.

"Can't tell you unless you say who you like." Mitch smiled.

"Well, you guys don't know him." I smiled back.

"I know everyone." Mitch said seriously, even though he was joking.

"I'll give you a hint, I already know he doesn't like me." I winked, and with that, Mitch shut up. I think he caught on, but he didn't say anything. He just looked at Auston, who looked at Steph, who looked at me. I think she was staring at me because of how bold I was being.

I mean, it wasn't that bold, but they all know how Auston is with me, and I'm pretty sure it was a good hint.

I hung out in the kitchen while Steph was in her room putting makeup on, and Mitch was in there "helping her" if you catch my drift.

I really needed a glass of water, but I remembered where the cups were and the only person I could ask was Auston.

I walked up to the cupboard, determined to get one down but with no luck, I gave up. I spun around and was scared by Auston. He was once again, standing there staring at me.

"Are you stalking me?" I asked sassily, leaning against the counter.

"No." He said, walking closer, making me more nervous with every step closer he took to me.

"Then what are you doing?" I asked, when he was only a few steps away from me.

"Nothing." Auston said, taking the last step, his body gently collided with mine.

"You want a repeat of last time?" I asked, and he just looked down at me, our faces only inches from each other. Oh how badly I wanted to just kiss him.

He reached up for my glass and set it down beside me. His hands placed on either side of me, now his face only about an inch from mine. Our lips were almost touching.

"You drive me fucking crazy." He growled, only to walk away in an instant, looking back at me and smirking.

Iced Over || Auston Matthews (COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon