Part 20

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It's been a week since Dylan and I hooked up. We talk here and there but I don't see this going anywhere. I'm fine with it though, I'm sure he's focused on other things at this point in his life. I wouldn't want to come in between him and his goals.

I was sitting in Steph and Mitch's living room, gossiping with Sydney and Steph while Mitch and Matt did some meal prepping. I was startled when I heard loud knocking at the door, I looked between the two girls and they both shrugged their shoulders.

One of the boys opened the door and I heard Auston's voice. He sounded angry. He said he needed to talk to Mitch and then they both stepped outside the apartment.

"That was weird." Matt chuckled, walking into the living room with a giant carrot in his hand.

"What's even weirder is that carrot, babe." Syd teased and he shook his head at her.

They were such a great couple, deeply in love clearly. And their souls beautifully complimented each other. I think those two were meant to be. I saw the same qualities in Steph and Mitch, but because they're both still so young, they make some mistakes still. However they always get through it and that is the most important thing.

I heard Auston and Mitch walk back into the apartment and go into the kitchen.

"That's my cue!" Matt joked and strolled back into the kitchen.

I was wondering what the boys talked about when all of a sudden I got a group chat on my phone, consisting of me, Matt, Syd, Steph and Mitch.

"He's mad because him and cam broke up. They both cheated on each other multiple times and he wonders why they didn't work out."

The girls and I all looked at each other after reading that text, all with the same smirk on our face. None of us liked cam and she was finally gone.

I walked into the kitchen so I could finally see Auston in person again. I forgot how perfect he was, but I needed an excuse to be there.

"Mitchy, please grab me a glass. You really need to move the cups onto a lower shelf." I laughed.

"Now where's the fun in that?" He teased as he reached the cup for me.

While I was filling my glass at the fridge I was minding my own business when Auston said my name.

"Mhmm?" I hummed in response.

"How's Dylan doing?" He asked and I could hear the sarcastic smile in his voice.

"Not sure. Like I said, just friends." I shrugged his comment off.

"So, just friends have sex within an hour of talking?" He raised his eyebrows at me.

"sorry. I just forgot how to speak English. Learn Russian if you want to talk about my sex life, at least in Russian it sounds sexier." I huffed and walked back to my friends.

Auston Matthews
"Так вы и дилан занимались сексом или что"

"Nice use of Google translate Auston."

Auston Matthews
"Was he any good in bed? He looks like a wet mop so I can't imagine it was too exciting."


Auston Matthews
"Answer my question."

No way in hell was I going to answer his question. Instead I should get on his nerves.

"How's Camille in bed? She looks like a wet mop."

Auston Matthews
"You're not wrong. She would be better if she didnt have 10 other guys fucking her."

"Yikes. Perks of being a 20 year old hey?"

Auston Matthews
"If you could call that a perk."

I didn't feel like texting him anymore, if he wanted to talk it had to be in person and alone. None of this childish shit. Sometimes I wish I could just marry an older handsome Russian man like Evgeni Malkin. I know he would treat me right. Guys my age suck.

"Well girls, I think I'm going to get heading home now." I smiled at my friends and got up to leave, calling goodbye to the boys as I left.

1 text message

I would check what it said when I got home.

The drive to my house was only 10 minutes on a regular day, but today was different, there was a crash downtown and I had to wait in my car for a half an hour before I could get through the intersection. When I finally made it home I was so annoyed I kicked off my shoes and went to bed, it was only 7:30pm. Before I fell asleep I read Ana's message, she told me she would be having a girl, she wants to name her Anya Natasha.... the same middle name as me, because she wouldn't be here without me. That warmed my heart...

Iced Over || Auston Matthews (COMPLETED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें