Part 1

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My first Toronto Maple Leafs game was in an hour, I was going with my younger brother, he loves hockey, and one day he could possibly make it big.

I put on a basic outfit, a Toronto maple leafs tee shirt with a denim jacket over top and a pair of plain black leggings with white converse. My long dark brown hair was straight as a bone and my large blue eyes were emphasized by black winged eyeliner and long lashes. I wore sheer red lipstick and I was ready to go.

"Come outside I'm waiting." I texted to my brother Boris and within 30 seconds he was in my car buckling himself in.

"Are you excited?" I asked my brother, sometimes I treated him like he was a lot younger than he is, I mean he's 14 years old but I treat him like he's 5. I'm the oldest, I have a 16 year old sister as well named Anastasia.

"Very!" He exclaimed happily, I was glad he was excited for this.

Getting into the ACC, I was walking and looking down at my tickets when I bumped into someone.

"Oh my god I am so sorry!" I exclaimed quickly

"It's okay! It's totally my fault!" She pretty blonde girl laughed, she was my height and seemed about my age.

She looked at my outfit and started laughing, then gesturing towards her own.

"It looks like one of us is going to have to go home and change!" She giggled. She was right, we were wearing pretty much the same outfit.

I started laughing.

"Yeah you're right! I'll get right on that." I laughed.

"Oh my god I love your accent, it's so sexy!" She complimented, she was very bubbly and outgoing. But a really nice girl nonetheless.

"Thank you!" I chuckled, "it's Russian." Smiling at her, she nodded her head politely.

"What are you doing after the game? Do you wanna come for drinks with me and my friends?" She offered.

"I would love to! But I'd have to take my little brother home before anything."

"Awesome! Well here's my phone, put your name and number and I'll text you the details! See ya there!" She smiled and walked off as she was starting to type out a text.

It was hard for me to make friends, so I took up the opportunity. She seemed like a really nice girl and it was funny that we had the same outfit on.

My phone chimed as we got to our seats, it was from an unknown number so I assumed it was from the girl. I didn't even get her name.

"Hey! It's Steph, the blonde girl from the lobby with the same outfit! We're going to be going to a new nightclub on 10th avenue and 5th street! Meet us there around 11:00 if you're still down!"

"I'll be there and I'll be changed lol! By the way, my name is Alina haha!" I sent back.

The game was a success, the maple leafs won 5-2 to the Chicago Blackhawks. It was a very fun game to be at and I'm so glad my brother Boris enjoyed it.

I took him home and quickly ran to my apartment to put on just a simple black leather skirt and a black long sleeved bodysuit and then I walked to the club. It wasn't far from where I lived anyways and walking was nice sometimes.

"Hey I'm here!" I texted Steph

After waiting outside the club, her and a tall brown haired boy walked out and saw me.

"Alina!" Steph charged at me and wrapped me into a tight hug, I was laughing.

"This is my boyfriend Mitch! He's awesome, he loves everyone!" She exclaimed and I shook hands with the smiley boy.

"Nice to meet you Mitch, I'm Alina." I said kindly, and he returned the gesture.

We walked back in the club, I guess they were on the list so they could come in as they pleased.

I was lead to the back of the club, blocked off by red ropes, it was less crowded back here and seemed slightly quieter.

"Everyone! I want you to meet my new best friend Alina!" Steph announced to the probable 20 people there, I waved and smiled at nobody in general, I got some hellos, waves and smiles back. Everyone seemed fairly nice.

We walked over to a couple guys and Steph started introducing me one by one.

"This is Kasperi, William and James!"

I shook their hands and they started having a small conversation with me as Steph and Mitch mingled for bit before coming back to me, with another, very tall guy this time. And handsome, wow, he has these dark brown eyes, they were intense.

"Alina, this is Auston. He seems grumpy but trust me, he is so nice!" Steph grinned.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Alina." I smiled, shaking his hand.

"Yeah, I caught that." Is all he said. She was right about him being grumpy.

Steph and I started to take some shots of vodka, she said she ordered them because she loves vodka but I think she just wanted to see a Russian girl slam vodka.

By the time everyone was leaving, I had exchanged numbers with just about everyone there, the only numbers I didn't get were from people who looked maybe like 7 or so years older than us. It's weird how these people hung out with a big group of people ranging from like 19-35, I didn't understand it. All I know is that everyone was really nice to me. Well Auston wasn't, but Steph did warn me that he's grumpy.

I got back to my apartment and plopped into bed, I was genuinely exhausted, and I needed rest if I was going to deal with the hangover I was about to have tomorrow.

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