Part 11

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Steph and Mitch decided it was a good idea to drag me along to some party, I've never even met the host and I'm not big on the social scene. But I caved and went with them anyways because they begged me to, they said it would be a good thing.

We walked into the party and I drank a bit, barely enough to get me tipsy. Steph and Mitch went somewhere, they left me all alone. I was standing at the kitchen counter typing out texts to both of them on my phone when someone interrupted me.

"Hi, I'm Levi." He kindly introduced himself to me, he was cute but not my type.

"Alina." I smiled at him, not really wanting a conversation.

"Did you come alone?" He asked, inching his way closer to me.

"I came with some friends but I don't know where they went." I told him.

"That's not good, they aren't great friends then, are they?" He asked me, his vibes and body language we're starting to creep me out.

"No that's not it, they're good friends but they're dating so they like to go off together. I get it." I wasn't about to trash talk my friends, especially not to this guy.

He quickly and forcefully wrapped his arms around me, almost squishing me.

"We can go do something if you want." He offered suggestively.

"No thank you." I was trying to be nice.

"Come on, why not?" He asked almost whining.

"I have a boyfriend." I lied, but I had to think fast and I didn't want to be rude.

He raised his eyebrows and smirked at me, he was really creeping me out.

"He doesn't have to know baby." He said lowly, his words coming out in a rasp tone.

"I'm not like that! And I said no thank you, so please let me go!" I tried pushing him away but he held on tighter, certainly leaving bruises for later.

He mumbled something out but I cut him off, his grip just kept getting tighter and tighter.

"Let me go!" I was now wincing at the pain I was in, but I was able to free one of my arms and punch him in the face.

He got extremely angry and I didn't expect for him to hit me back, not only once, but twice, holding my wrist in the other hand, crushing it until I heard and felt a pop.

When he realized what he had done, he called me a bitch and walked away, nobody was in the kitchen when this happened and I was left all alone. My lip was split open and bleeding and I could feel that my eye was bruising, nevermind the horrible pain in my wrist.

I called both Steph and Mitch five times each but neither of them answered. I tried calling Willy, nothing from him. Then I tried calling Mo, he didn't pick up either.

Groaning, I decided to look around for Steph and Mitch but I couldn't find them. I just wanted to leave, I was crying, people looking at me like I'm crazy. I tried both of them once more but they still didn't pick up.

A cab. I needed to call a cab.

So I did, but he said the wait could be up to two hours and I didn't have the time for that. I was stressed to the max at this point, leaving me with only one more person to call. Auston.

The line rang 4 times before he answered.

"What?" He said harshly.

"Are you awake?" I asked, trying to hold back the sound of tears.

"Now I am."

"Are you able to pick me up? I can't find Steph or Mitch and I can't be here right now." I said, my voice cracking because I was on the edge of another melt down.

"It's like 2:30 in the morning. Could you not have figured this out yourself? Like a grown up?" Auston sounded particularly angry.

"Yeah, you're right. Sorry. I'll figure it out." I said sniffing, trying so hard to hold back the tears.

"Alina," Auston began, still sounding mad, but less harsh

"What?" I cut him off, bursting into silent sobs.

"Where is this place? I'll be there." He huffed out.

"Ill send you my location." I said sadly, wiping tears.

Within twenty minutes, Auston pulled up and I hopped into his car, hoping he wouldn't notice my face.

"What the fuck?" He asked, suddenly alarmed. 

I didn't say anything.

"What happened to your fucking face?!" He was mad, it seemed like he was mad at me.

I didn't say anything again and he slapped his hand down hard on the console, demanding an answer from me.

I told him what happened to me and he was infuriated. He wanted to go inside and find him but I wouldn't let him.

"Call the cops!" He demanded

"But I punched him first. It's my fault." I stated.

"No, he wasn't letting you go and you were defending yourself. It's not your fault Alina." He said soothingly, looking at my wounds. It was pretty much established that my wrist was at least sprained and I would have a black eye. Luckily my lip didn't need stitches, but it still hurt and it was bleeding fairly bad.

I still wasn't about to call the police though. That's just even more of a hassle to deal with and I can't right now.

I still couldn't get a hold of Steph or Mitch and it was stressing me out, I didn't know if they were alive or anything. I was worried.

The drive was quiet, Auston was clearly mad the entire way and I didn't want to say something to tip him off. I know he's mad he had to pick me up, I know he's mad about what happened to me, I don't want to spoil his mood even more.

By the time we were almost downtown I had a splitting head ache and the pain of everything was starting to set in. I was wincing from all the pain I was feeling but I didn't want to be an attention whore.

"You okay?" Auston sounded concerned. I just nodded my head and hummed out a quiet response.

"Clearly you're not." He huffed.

I stayed quiet, shutting my eyes from the throbbing all over my body.

"You're staying with me tonight." Auston stated and not two minutes later we were in the parking garage at his building. He had to help me walk because I was a little bit wobbly from the hits.

He walked me into what I assumed was his bedroom and let me under the covers.

"Ill be back." He held up his pointer finger and ran out of the room, quickly coming back with pills and water.

I took them as he left the room again, not expecting him to come back in. But he did. This time he was holding ice and a damp cloth. He placed the ice on my eye and began wiping up my lip.

"Ow." I whispered when he wiped it.

"Im not trying to hurt you but you need to clean it or it'll get infected." He insisted sweetly, causing me to nod my head.

"I'm mad at Steph and Mitch for not sticking around to hang out with you."

"Don't be, I'm fine."

"No Alina!" Auston raised his voice, "you were assaulted, if they were there none of this would have happened."

"I'm sorry Aus." I said quietly.

He just shook his head at me, I couldn't tell what was going through his mind.

"Goodnight." He said dryly, about to leave the room.

"Wait, can you stay in here tonight? Please?" I begged.

He sighed loudly and made his way to the other side of the bed and got under the covers, keeping his distance from me.

The other night he was making out with me on the counter, now he was being distant again. What was up with this boy?

"Thank you." I spoke up so he could hear me.

"Yeah. Whatever." Auston scoffed.

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