Part 15

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I woke up in the morning, Auston was asleep next to me. Everything we did last night came rushing back into my mind.

"Oh no..." I whispered, almost regretting what happened last night.

"Fuck." I said under my breath when I realized we didn't use a condom.

Ohhhhhh fuck.

"Auston!" I nudged him awake.

"What?" He snapped.

"Did you use a condom?"

"Um, no. Why?" He asked, now alarmed.

"Okay. Okay, it's fine. I just need to go to the store." I spoke fast, getting dressed even faster.

"Bring me my wallet you can use my card." Auston offered.

"No it's okay Auston." I said in a panic, grabbing my keys and running out. I drove to the nearest shoppers drug mart and ran to the pharmacy.

"Can I get a box of plan b please?" I asked the pharmacist frantically.

They nodded and handed me the box, I paid quickly and took both of the pills right away, feeling instantly relieved.

I shopped around a bit, finding a couple lipsticks. Nothing I need, but then again I'm never buying stuff I need.

"I took the Plan B. It's all good now."

Auston Matthews
"Okay, I'm heading out now anyways. See you around."

Weird... I assumed we would at least hang out today but I guess not.

I went back home to shower and change, I figured I'd go to the mall and do some shopping. I had nothing better to do anyways.

When I got to the mall I hit up some stores, buying some stuff. As I left a store I noticed a very familiar face walking towards me. Auston. Not only Auston though, he was with some slutty looking thing. I smiled and waved, he just did some weird head nod at me.

I'm not going to lie, I was mad, and upset. Like who does he think he is? Fucking me last night and today he's hanging out with some whore? What the fuck?

"Feel like hanging out with me tonight?"

"Sure. What time?"

"Let's say 7pm. Meet me at Steph and Mitch's place."

"Dealio. See ya then beautiful."

Fine. If Auston wanted to play that game, I would too.

I went home and packed a bag and then went to Steph and Mitch's place again. I cooked tortellini for dinner and waited for William to get here. I planned for us to just watch some movies, nothing special. Maybe kiss a little, who knows? I wanted Auston and truthfully I have feelings for him, but he doesn't feel the same about me so I had no choice but to make myself not care.

William walked right in, he had flowers and a bottle of wine.

"Hey!" I hugged him and he gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"How are you?" He asked, handing me the flowers.

"I'm wonderful, and you?" I countered, finding a vase for the flowers.

"I'm great!" He smiled and I could hear him pulling out wine glasses and pouring each of us some.

"So I was thinking, do you want to watch some movies?" I suggested and he nodded his head enthusiastically.

We began watching some scary movie, but it escalated to Willy putting his hand on my thigh, and then me climbing on top of him.

We looked passionately into each other's eyes for a moment before he put his hand on the back of my head and started kissing me.

We weren't kissing for long before I heard the front door open. I stopped suddenly and Willy looked at me confused. I knew just who it was.

I walked out to greet Auston, but I noticed he was with the same girl he was with earlier in the mall.

"I don't think Steph and Mitch want you bringing some random girl in their place." I stated sassily.

"Oh but they wouldn't mind that William is here with you?" Auston snapped back.

"No. I don't think they would considering they're friends with Willy. He's not some random puck slut." I was now feeling really angry.

"Well at the rate you're going, you could be considered a puck slut too." Auston chided.

I was about to say something until Will cut me off.

"Auston that was uncalled for. Alina is right, if you want to have sex with some random girl then take her to your place or a hotel. You're invading Mitch and Stephs privacy." He said calmly.

"Well, have fun with Alina then. If it's any consolation, she's not that good anyways." Auston smirked as he and the girl walked out the door.

What the fuck?!

"Sorry for that." I grumbled, walking back into the living room.

"Don't worry about it Leens. He'll be fine." He rubbed the small of my back, leading me back to the couch.

"Now, where were we?" He asked smoothly as he cupped my face in his hands and began kissing me again, letting it heat up fast.

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