Chapter 9

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“You do realize that all members of the Regis clan are now under my protection?” Devon croaked, fighting against the invisible force pinning him to the wall by the throat. His feet hung limply inches off the floor. The force tightened, threatening to crush his larynx. Silver glinted as the knife slowly spun end over end across the room. “Kill me,” he strained past the crushing energy, “and they all die.”

Beads of sweat formed on Adie’s upper lip from the effort of holding back on what she wanted to do to the slimeball. The knife thudded imbedding itself to the hilt in the plaster wall at the side of his head.

She stooped down to release the plastic ties that bound the boy’s wrists, whispering, “It’ll be okay, just do as he says until I can figure a way out of this mess.” He nodded as she stood. “Go sit by the fire and stay out of the way.”

Walking slowly because of the pain radiating from her ankle, she made her way to stand in front of him. Drawing the knife from its temporary sheath in the plaster, she held it against his throat, pressing firmly enough for blood to well on the dusty surface, staining the blade a deep-claret red. He swallowed, belying the control he thought he had of the situation.

“If you, or your people, are the cause of any of them to so much as break a finger nail, the deal is off. I will kill you. Are we understood, Mr. Ashton?”

“You agree to become my servant?”

“There are conditions to the agreement. The first being their release.”

“No, they are my bargaining chip,” he interrupted her. “If I release them, I have no way to control you.”

“You’re not controlling me now. I’m offering you a deal: release them and I’ll serve you for one month. Neither you nor your people will hurt them or go after them for any reason during or after that time.”

“A month will not be enough time to establish my power base or arrange the meeting. It will take at least six,” he countered.

She thought for a moment. “I’ll give you two months and no more. Do we have a deal?”

“Four months.”

“Two. That’s my final offer. I’ve enough power to take down most of your men before they even know something’s up. By which point you’ll be a black mark on an otherwise pristine carpet.”

“And your friends will be dead before you get beyond these walls.”

“Then no-one wins.”

The ticking of the clock on the mantle over the fire was the only sound to fill the ensuing silence. Blood dripped from the knife in Adie’s hand in a timely rhythm that matched the seconds as they ticked by.

“Fine, we have a deal,” Devon finally relented. “The ceremony starts tonight. You will be my servant before the sun rises.”

She stepped back and removed the force that kept him pinned to the wall. “Make the call and release them,” she demanded, making her way to Joel, who sat wide eyed on the edge of the sofa, while Devon upheld his end of their bargain and made the call. 

She knelt in front of him, looking directly into his eyes emphasising the importance of what she was about to say. “Once you’re all together and safe, I want you to call me here. I’ll get the number when he’s done. I need you to do something for me though?”

He nodded quickly, eager to do as she asked.

“You have to make sure no one tries to come for me, especially Rick. I need to know that you’re all safe. Tell him I can handle this asshole, no problem.” 

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