5. Alone

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Nicole Summers walked uncomfortably passed the high school students that roamed the hallway. She eyed the different types of students. There were the quiet students who were always in the books. There were the athlete who always seemed to have on Nike suits and slides. There were the dealers, they always seem to make illegal transactions around the building. There were the whores, they were all friends but slept with everybody boyfriend except their own. Then there was Nicole. The outcast of them all.

Nicole was not fully alone. She was accompanied by a 9 month old baby bump, even though she was only 17 years of age. This bump was her only friend at this moment. There was no conversation, but there was always company. She carried a baby girl who awaited the arrival to see the world in person. Her baby was all she had. Nicole had no parents, no baby father, no bestfriend. Just her and her baby. Nicole did not have any support. She did it all alone.

Nicole walked in her 5th period class quiet as a mouse. Nicole hated this class and not just because it was Algebra 2. The person who got her into all the positions she is facing, her baby father. 18 year old Ashad Walkins use to be the love of Nicole life. Ashad was suppose to be her everything. They had plans for after he graduated, but he switched up on her after she announced the news of their upcoming seed. Now Nicole sitting in the 11th grade with the title of Mommy to be. Something she never dreamed of happening at such a young age.

Nicole sighed mentally as she waited for the infamous class bell to ring. Even though this would be her last time walking in this class for a while, she wanted to get this uncomfortable time of day over with. She eyeballed the student carefully as they walked in. Each of them had friends, which begins adding depression to Nicole vibe. She looked down at her stomach sadly.

"You are all I have." She whispered as she began to rub her belly.

The seat next to Nicole was filled in, which caught Nicole attention. She slowly looked over as her eyes met with the person she never thought she would speak to, Ashad. Ashad was observing her carefully. His eyes landed on her big round belly.

"H-hey Nicki." Ashad spoke nervously.

"Hey Ashad." Nicole responded confused.

Something was up. Ashad never attempted to speak to her in this class. Not since she found out she was 3 months pregnant. Something was not right.

"Wow, you have really grown." Ashad stated in a sweet tone.

"Ashad, what do you want? You never talk to me in here. I never exist to you in the hallways. You do not ever text me anymore. So do not bullshit me, what you want?" Nicole snapped as she flipped her 30 inch hair over her shoulder.

"I been doing a lot of thinking. I have talked to my mother. I have talked to my grandma. I even talked to my father. I know everything I been doing is wrong. I missed all your doctors appointments. I have not been that support system you need, but I want to be a father." Ashad responded in a whisper.

Nicole was taken back by the words that escaped his mouth. She starred at him trying to find the perfect words to say to him. Nicole was not sure if she should trust his words, but she was going to give him the benefit of the doubt.

"Ashad?!" A feminine voice yelled with an attitude.

"I will let you figure this out. I will text you later on." He rushed to say as he walked away.

The words stuck in Nicole mind. If he was to step up, Nicole would be fine. If he was not to step up, Nicole would still be fine. She would have to do a anything in her power to make sure her bundle of joy was straight, regardless if a father was there.

Nicole laid in a hospital bed having serve contractions. She never felt any pain like this in her 17 years of living. Not even loosing her virginity beat this pain. She squeezed her nurses hand as gently as possible until the contraction passed. She knew she didn't want to face this pain again for a while.

Nicole was once again alone. Ashad never followed through on his promise, and her parents were not there to support her. All she had was a place to stay based on her age. Once her 18th birthday comes, she knew it was going to end up her and the little bundle of joy she would meet any hour now.

"Ms.Summers, do you have anybody to be here with you?" Mrs.Jackson, the doctor, questioned.

Sadly, Nicole shook her head no. A tear began to fall out of Nicole eye. At this moment she really had nobody. She didn't have nobody to support her to push her baby out. The only reason she made it to a hospital is because of her younger brother calling 911.

"I have nobody. My parents don't take care of me. My baby father is MIA. His parents don't care. I have no friends. I barely have a place to stay. Once I have my baby, this will be the only person I have." She spoke truthfully.

The nurse nodded as she handed Nicole a tissue to wipe her tears. Mrs.Jackson knows how she feels, as though she was once in this same position. She had known Nicole since she was 10 weeks pregnant.

"Nicole listen, I have room at my house for you. I can't let you struggle out here baby. Once your baby is born go pack your things, and I will pick you up. It is hard out here to be alone with a full out struggle and huge responsibility. I was once in your shoes. Long as you finish school, and you do your mother duties for your child... we will be find until you get on your feet." Mrs.Jackson stated.

She watched as Nicole broke down in tears of happiness. She gave Nicole a tight hug as she cried harder. She remember all the trauma she faced years ago.

"Thank you Mrs.Jackson! Thank you so much!" Nicole screamed.

"You welcome. Now, calm your nerves. Let's have a baby." Mrs.Jackson stated excitedly.

One hour later, Nicole laid in her hospital bed holding her baby girl. She named her Natalie Summers. She was completely happy with her creation.

"Everything is alright baby. Everything is alright now." She whispered as she kissed her child head.

Mrs.Jackson saved her life. Nicole couldn't thank her enough.

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