1. Mother's Protection

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One Halloween night, 18 year old Malayah was dressing her 2 year old daughter for her 2nd Halloween. Kalonia, her 2 year old daughter, was looking forward to trick or treating. She was one of her favorite singers in the whole wide world, Rihanna. Malayah was dressed as a purging citizen. All of her friends would be dressed the same way, and this would be one of the greatest nights ever. This would be the night her and her child's father, Kareem, would finally get together without any fighting.

"Mama, Dada come too?" Loni high pitched voice questioned.

Malayah knew that there would be a chance Kareem wouldn't follow through on his promises. That wouldn't be the first time she experienced his broken promises though.

"Let me text him jukebug. I'm sure he is on his way." Malayah responded to her curious daughter.

Malayah picked up her phone, texting the one male that changed her life, Kareem.

Babymama ❤️: Kareem, Are you still coming to watch jukebug trick or treat? If you are not going to come, say so now. I don't want to have to lie to Kalonia about you not coming.

Babydaddy 💜👨‍👧: Yeah ma. I'm taking care of business. I'll meet y'all there around 7. Lemme take care dis real quick. Daddy will be there to take care of y'all soon.

Babymama ❤️: Are you sure? Don't be lying to me Kareem. 😒

Babydaddy 💜👨‍👧: Stop tripping ma. I said I'm coming. See you at 7.

18 year old Kareem laid naked next to his piece of eye candy for the night. He knew that he wasn't going to make it by 7. He just hopped Malayah would take the blame for it as she always do. 6 o'clock passed , so did 7. 8 o'clock passed, and here they were on 9 o'clock.

"Dada not come." Kalonia stated disappointed.

Kareem once again did not follow through on his own promise. Malayah couldn't disappoint her child even more though, she had to make this trick or treating event one of her biggest memories. She didn't want to hurt Kalonia more than she already was.

Babymama ❤️: You broke your promise once again Kareem. Now I have to deal with a upset Kalonia while you are out doing god knows what. You fucking liar. I'm sick of taking the fall for your broken promises. Be a damn man and face your 2 year old with the truth. In fact you don't even have to face her. I got my baby. If you not gonna do right, don't do nothing at all. Do not show up at my window trying to slide your dick in me either. Who knows who had your attention. Fuck you Kareem.

Malayah sat on her bed, doing her homework. Although she was a mother, she was a senior along with Kareem too. She already knew that Kareem wouldn't follow through on his promise. She marked the broken promise as lie #103. Here she was 18, and a mother of a 2 year old with a deadbeat father. Malayah knew eventually he would leave her in the dust, but she was willing to keep her daughter smile on her face while she could. She had to make Kalonia proud no matter what.

Urban FanicsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora