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ethandolan added graysondolan,veronicamerrell and vanessamerrell to this chat

The dream team
ethandolan: Hey!
graysondolan: why did you start this chat?
ethandolan: Cause I wanted to
vanessamerrell: hi
graysondolan: Hey nessa!
veronicamerrell: sup?
vanessamerrell: Roni are you in your room?
veronicamerrell: yup
Eth: changed my name
Gray: me too
Roni: 🤓🤓
Nessa: why did you start this group?
Eth: im bored
Roni: me too
Roni: let's go out and get coffee
Eth: why not?
Nessa: Roni gets crazy
Roni: i do not
Nessa: Yeah u do
Gray: but nessa can you go out?
Nessa: ?
Eth: oooooo he's trying to ask you out
Gray: Eth what did i say?
Eth: it didn't really work so i helped you
Gray: not really...
Roni: Okay dont fight
Nessa: maybe, we'll see
Eth: maybe one day Gray
Gray: Eth shut up
Roni: Eth you're not funny anymore
Gray: Yeah Eth listen to your amigo
Eth: sry but i hate you Gray
Nessa: let's talk about something funny
Eth: like what? Gray's love life?
Gray: gonna kill you when you come home
Nessa: where's Eth?
Gray: he's on a date
Roni: what? With who?
Gray: oh Roni R you getting a bit jeleous?
Nessa: Gray dont do that
Gray: sry
Eth: I'm not on a date, I'm hanging out with a friend
Gray: yup a "friend"
Gray: just like you want to be "friends" with Roni
Nessa: wait what? Do you like Roni?
Eth: No, or like a friend but not more and I'm hanging out with a guy friend
Gray: oh...
Roni: so what are you doing?
Eth: tv
Gray: I'm alone, can i come over?
Nessa: why are you not with them
Gray: I'm not friends with him
Gray: you didn't answere my question
Eth: i feel sad for you Gray
Roni: Eth!!!
Gray: i feel sad for you
Nessa: sure
Gray: sure? Can i come over?
Nessa: Yeah
Gray: I'll be there in ten
Roni: Well you'll be alone, I'm going to dom
Nessa: now?
Roni: Yup
Eth: Gray, I'm proud of you
Eth: Gray?
Eth: Hello?
Eth: did everyone LEAVE?
Eth: Okay bye

(End of kik)

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