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Since Troy was probably in the hospital by now, I came to the conclusion that I had no choice but to turn on some tricks and make money another way.

Admittedly, walking the streets this late at night it was nearly impossible to find anyone, let alone a customer.

Still, I continued to stroll along the sidewalk at a normal human pace as I scouted the area. When I couldn't find a single soul, I jumped onto the train without a ticket, and then made my way toward King's Cross Station where I used to do the majority of my work. I knew that I needed to be discreet, similar to how I operated when I was human.

I did my usual rounds, worked my typical corners, and I was beyond relieved when the sound of a heartbeat caught my attention. I followed that sound until I came across a middle-aged man. I stalked behind him like any true predator would. And I studied everything—the way he walked and thought, right down to the way he inhaled oxygen and the nanoseconds in between each waking breath. In that moment, even though he was unaware, we were united as one. I knew him inside and out and mimicked his motion with ease, falling into step so perfectly my footsteps were completely untraceable. It wasn't until I got close enough to notice his scent that I realised I couldn't rely on my body to make money anymore.

Much to my surprise, as I fell deeper into his mind, I realised that he was looking for sex after all. He had just left a nearby strip club, but I highly doubted that I would be able to have sex with a human. Even if I somehow managed it, I presumed that I would react something along the lines of a praying mantis.

Okay, I thought to myself. What do I have to work with?

I had super strength, swift reflexes, and the ability to read minds. I pondered as the male turned down a darkened alleyway. He certainly wasn't very street-smart.

When we had reached the middle of the alley, I quickly decided that I would mug him. I had pickpocketed a lot in my life and I was a professional pickpocket as a human, so I figured that being a vamp and doing it would be a piece of cake.

I moved in on him so fast the air made a whoosh sound, causing my hair to whip behind me. Still mimicking his movements carefully, I slid my fingers under the brown, cotton fabric of his back pocket to grab hold his wallet. I had done this a hundred times before, without any trouble, so it made me jump when he did.

I quickly wedged his leather wallet in my cleavage as he turned around to face me. He did a once over on me as he patted his back pocket and I fell into his mind. Instantly, he realised that his wallet was missing, and I realised that it didn't matter how fast I was. My icy hand had tipped him off to my presence.

That's when he snorted. "Look, little girl, I don't want to hurt you," said the man, retrieving a knife from his boot. "But if you don't return my wallet this instant, I'll shove this blade down your pretty little throat."

My lips twitched into a faint smile. "You want it? Come and get it."

I didn't expect what came next.

Without hesitation, he lunged forward and I stepped to the side even faster.

My sudden movement resulted in him losing his balance and falling awkwardly. Then I heard a menacing snappp. His knife spilled onto the damp asphalt of the back alley and I kicked it away as I approached him, pieces of glass and stray rocks crunched beneath my boots. I wasn't sure what he had broken, but judging by the way he landed, it was either his wrist or ankle.

What followed made my muscles tighten.

Blood. He was bleeding somewhere. I could smell that sweet aroma lingering in the cool air and despite just eating; my body reacted in a similar fashion to how it did with Troy. My stomach ached, and so did my gums when my fangs extended. Now that I had his wallet, won his challenge without even trying, and could walk away feeling victorious I found that my body refused to leave this darkened alley.

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