But....You Are So Small (Genji / Hanzo / McCree x Reader)

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"Sorry that this flew towards you." They mumble as they slowly grab the glowing piece of machines debris that he was saved from but it was the ticking that started to bother them. 

"Damn that junker's stupid antics!" They shout as they try to throw it back to its owner but it stuck to their armor as if it was made into it. 

"Shimada-sama, get away quickly!" They shout as they rush outside but for some odd reason, he felt as if regret hung over him, trying to help them. He saw that they launched out of their mechanical armor and stood no taller than maybe a solid 5 feet as they landed on the balcony, holding a side arm that resembled a small archery set and watched as their hard work destroyed the flaming haired junker's own RipTire.

"(Y/N)-san?" The eldest Shimada started to question before he sees an arrow being pointed at him and the look of 'you dare attack me from behind' in their eyes. 

"Oh...Shimada-sama...my apologies." They express as they quickly unhook the arrow from the string and bow in respect.

"Y-you saved me?" He asked as they smiled with a blush on their face. 

"Of course I would. It was the least I could do after you saved me from Roadhog-san's hook during the last simulation. You also saved me before that during our previous encounter with Talon. I would gladly save another if they have risked their lives for me." They smiled as he actually bowed to them, gratefulness in his eyes and a slight blush on his cheeks.

"I would have suffered severe injuries had you not helped me like you had though I do apologize for the loss of your armor." He says with such authority but was surprised when they bow back to him, tears evident in their eyes yet a wild blush on their face. 

"I would gladly take more bombs if it meant that I get to see you more often, Shimada-sama." They say as he holds his hand out to them, wanting them to rise and he holds a smile on his usually serious face. 

"Please, call me Hanzo; I am no longer a leader of the Shimada Clan but I would rather like to know more about you, if you would allow me to." He says as they take the hand gently but not before offering a small smile in return.

"I would like that very much...Hanzo-San"


"Hey, Reinhardt, who's the newbie?" He asked as he looks at an enormous person in full armor. 

"Ah, that is (Y/N) my friend, the newest member on our team and a tank." He answers as he calls them over as the built person comes over in their armor. 

"(Y/N), this is Jesse McCree; Jesse McCree, this is (Y/N)." Reinhardt says with a smile on his face as he introduces them, having a feeling that they will start dating eventually, which surprising only happened after 2 days of talking.

It has been 3 months since they started dating the sharpshooting cowboy and they still refuse to even tell him what they look like. 

"Give me a clue darlin'." He argues as they look at him and growls. 

"For the final time, I said no. Now stop asking questions and help me with training." They say as he nods and grabs the loaded paintball gun, shooting them in the back with a smirk on his face as they turned around. 

"You better be lucky I love you." They say as he smiles and holds up his gun.

"How about a little wager...first one to shoot Soldier in the visor during training wins and makes the loser do one thing that the winner wants." He smiles as they growl before grabbing their gun and he can hear the smirk in their voice. 

"It's on Jesse McCree. If I win, you have to tell Soldier that you were the one that set off the bombs early when we were on our last mission." They say as he looks nervous. 

"I did no such thing and if I win, you are taking your pretty little rear out of your armor and I get to have a good look at you."

"May the best agent win." They say as they take off before Athena does the countdown, signaling the start of the training. 

So far, it was McCree, Soldier, Ana, Tracer, D.Va, and Pharah along with (Y/N) to practice with their guns. McCree is good and is able to shoot Pharah before she can take off, landing red paint on her back and she growls before she shoots him in the hat, leaving a golden colored paint splatter, causing him to growl and try take off after another target.

(Y/N) races past them and manages to take out D.Va with a mirage of white paint, causing her to growl and try to attack them with her own counter of pink paint. Tracer shoots at them with orange paint before she is shot by the blue and aqua paints of Soldier and Ana, who are as clean as when the match started.

"Oh Shoot...Duck!" They yell as Pharah starts to use her ult and coats the unsuspecting Ana and Tracer with paint, resulting in automatic 'death' in the game; leaving the 2 tanks and the 3 offense players. 

"Go (Y/N), you can do it love!" Tracer yells as they nod and prepare their guns to attack D.Va, covering her entire mech in paint and then seeing that when she ejected from there, she was also covered in the pink paint but managed to get some on Pharah as well. 

"Opps...sorry Fareeha" They say as she nods and goes to the sidelines, ready to see who will win.

"It's down to McCree, Soldier and (Y/N) who will win?" Tracer says as she wipes the paint from her goggles as Jesse tries to distract them. 

"Remember the first date we went on? I think it went something like this too." He shouts as they smile and shake their head. 

"You and I have different memories about that date. If I remember correctly, I was the one who defending you from getting shot whereas now I am trying to shoot you, sugar." They use the cowboy's pet name on him and it made him freeze.

"Stop flirting you two!" Soldier yells into the mic before he starts to shoot at them, hitting their armor and they know that one more good hit is all it will take before they are over with so they start to charge up their ult but not before they hear a combination of their worst nightmare. 

"It's High Noon" and "I've Got You In My Sight" sounded from both sides of them and they knew if they wanted to let their armor survive, they need to get out now.

With a jump, they hear both guns go off but not before they managed to get a shot on both of them. The sound of 4 guns going off at the same time and then dust flying from their sudden descend made everyone stand on the edge of their seats but the victory went to McCree, who shot Soldier right in the visor and got you right in the weakness, causing him to have the overall victory.

"Way to go cowboy!" Hana shouts as he smirks at them, causing them to blush. 

"I won darlin' so don't be a sore loser and keep to our deal." He smiles as they start to take off their armor but what surprised him was that they went from his height to barely reaching his chest when they got out of their equipment.

"Go ahead...laugh it up" They say with a slight pout as everyone looks at how their tall friend who has been head-to-head with Reinhardt was barely tall enough to reach the top shelf in the kitchen. He smiles as he looks at them then at Soldier as he tries to clean the paint from this visor. 

"Dammit, Solider, I owe you 20 bucks!" Jesse yells as Soldier nods before looking at them. 

"Sorry (Y/N), He and I had a deal and I said you were shorter while he said that you were tall." He laughs but before they could say anything, Jesse kisses them.

Damn, guess the saying is true, you can shut anyone up with a kiss.

Overwatch Oneshots (Overwatch x Reader) ((2018 Watty Contest Entry))Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon