"But I've made my decision," Ragna stated, "I'm staying as I am. Evil."

"Decisions are never final, Ragna," Gullvig told her, "But I feel you made a right one for Klaus. And don't get me wrong I'm happy you chose me over that bitch Hiln."

"So what are you saying? I should switch back over and become nothing?" Ragna asked her.

Gullvig shook her head, "No. No matter what you picked there would have of been a war. The side would have of fought over you. Let's just hope you picked the winning side."

"And if I didn't?" Ragna continued on.

"Then we all would face hell. Even Niklaus."


Klaus smirked as Ragna entered the kitchen. She gave him a brief smiled before entering the cabinet and pulling out a box of cereal.

"What's wrong?" Klaus asked her with a concerned glance. Last night had to be the best night of his life, and he was afraid she did not feel the same way. "What happened? What did I do?" He persisted on.

"You didn't do anything," Ragna answered him with a sigh. "It's protector stuff, you have nothing to be worried about."

"Good," Klaus smiled as he walked over and placed a kiss on top of her head. Ragna sighed in relief and leaned back into his chest and pulled his arms around her neck. "You're already healed," Klaus muttered into her hair.

Ragna reached up and felt her neck where Klaus had bit into her just last night. It was completely healed, leaving no trace of what they did last night.

"I'm powerful," said with the realization in her voice.

"I'm sure you could bloody well beat me in a smirk," Klaus smirked.

Ragna turned around to face him, "I have already. Klaus, I'm capable of killing anything and anyone. Including you."

"What happened?" Klaus asked Ragna with a concerned frown.

"Gullvig came today. I might have to leave for awhile and figure some stuff out Klaus," Ragna said quietly.

"What?" Klaus asked her, "You can't leave me."

"You'll be safe," Ragna assured him, "I'm sure if you need it Gullvig can come and stay with you."

"The hell with Gullvig!" Klaus shouted, "Why do you have to leave?"

"Look, I do not know what or if I can tell you what is going on," Ragna told him, "But you do not need to worry about me."

"Yes I do," Klaus said to her, "I always worry about you."

Ragna gave him a small smile and reached up to caress his face, "It's the opposite." She stood up from the barstool and began to make her way back to her room to get ready for the meeting with the magistrate.


Ragna sat uncomfortably beside Gullvig with her legs crossed. Her black dress rode up her thighs but she didn't pay any attention to that. Her eyes were focused on the hazel pair in front of her.

The magistrate was nothing that Ragna had envisioned. She thought of an old man with a balding head and a few tufts of white hair left, his face old and wrinkly from years of experience and wisdom. She did not think the magistrate would be as good looking as he was. He was well built and broad, his muscles popped through his back fitted shirt. His hair was blonde and slicked back, but his eyes were captivating with specks of green and gray in them. A smirk played on his lips as he watched Ragna's gaze on him.

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