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The two conversationalists worked long into the night and by early morning Mira had developed a working knowledge of the human's sign language. His name was Deyan and while she could not pronounce it she could sign it, additionally Deyan used a particular sign when addressing her. He would raise his hand perpendicular in front of his face, fingers together, then bring that hand from above his head downward to his chin. She was not sure but believed it was a sign of respect or for a deity of some sort.

She could tell Deyan was amazed that she had mastered in a short time something he had probably spent most of his life learning. Her earlier examination confirmed that she was indeed superior both mentally and physically to this being. She also confirmed that humans, as are all warm-blooded species that had been studied on other planets, obtained their energy through cellular respiration, a process considered inefficient and wasteful by her people. Miorpeans use the one pure cosmic energy source of the universe, its many and varied  luminous stars to nourish their bodies.

Deyan signed he was hungry and Mira synthesized nourishment in the form of a small bar consisting of synthesized carbohydrates, protein, and other nutrients her analysis indicated would provide the most sustenance for a human. At first taste Deyan seemed to reject her offering but after several bites settled into a leisurely paced meal. Mira provided water which her examination indicated that like oxygen, was a bodily need they had in common.

With the basic familiarities of getting to know one another out of the way Mira carefully signed the question that most interested her. "Is there more of you, your people?" She had wanted to develop a closer relationship with Deyan before presenting a query he might be apprehensive in responding too, but with the planets sun beginning to rise she had little time for formalities.

           Deyan did not respond immediately to Mira's question, he seemed unsure by the sudden change in the nature of the conversation that shifted from a respectful exchange of introduction and awareness to one that appeared overly inquisitive in nature. However Deyan would remind himself that Mira was a being of divinity, whether she was an angel or perhaps something greater he was not sure but as such had the right to expect compliance from one such as he.

Deyan explained that there were settlements located along a river that flows South and West from the mountain. Each settlement consisted of between one and two hundred inhabitants with leadership, spiritual, healing, trade and farming casts. Deyan continued unabated going into considerable detail about the customs, laws, trade, and social events that governed their society.

  Mira noted the pride Deyan felt in the accomplishments of his people which was evident in the enthusiastic manner of his signing. Considering the fact that humanity was thought to have been literally wiped off the face of the planet she was surprised to learn that humans had not only survived the terraforming but had managed to develop what could be the beginnings of a primitive civilization.

She quickly surmised that  humans could readily branch out from this area and with their prolific reproduction potential could recolonize the entire region within one hundred generations.

Mira sighed and sat back in her chair looking away from Deyan who despite her efforts noticed Mira's unease at his response.

"Is there something wrong?" He signed, then added, "my people will be jubilant to meet one such as you."

Mira looked down at Deyan and signed, "you will take me to your people, now!" 

"Yes, Goddess," replied Deyan feeling uneasy at her sudden change in mood.

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