Bob Marley

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16. Bob Marley

We all hopped into Melissa McCall's car and followed Bella's rusty truck. Scott drove, I was in the passenger seat, and Stiles sat in the back.

"Why am I in the back, again?" Stiles questioned.

"Because we have supernatural senses and you don't," Scott replied. I looked back and shrugged at my boyfriend before turning towards the front again. Bella's truck pulled over on the side of the road. We drove past her, making sure our faces were hidden. Once out of her view, we pulled over too. The three of us piled out of the car, Scott and I tracking her scent.

"I know where she's going," I whispered. The boys glanced at me questioningly. "The clearing. Where James attacked me. This is the way to the other side of it."

"Why would she come here?" Scott asked.

"Evil things. Very evil," Stiles replied.

"She has some good memories here," I answered. "She and Edward used to come here all the time together. She came to one of the famous Cullen baseball games here once." We continued following, leaving a wide distance between us to make sure she didn't hear us. A couple times, Stiles stepped on a twig, its crack erupting through the trees. Another loud sound was the thumping of his heart. Scott and I shared a glance before I finally spoke up.

"Stiles, are you okay being back here?" I asked, pressing my hand gently against his cheek for a brief moment as we continued sneaking around.

"What? Oh yeah. Totally fine," he nodded. Scott rolled his eyes. I suddenly stopped, slamming my arm across both boys' chests to get them to stop too. We were close to the clearing entrance now and I could hear a voice along with Bella's.

"But the Cullens aren't here now, are they?" The smooth voice taunted. "They left you behind."

"They're close by and I'll tell them you stopped by, but not Edward. He's...overprotective," Bella replied.

"See, I find that hard to believe. If they are still here, why are you alone? And why is the house empty?" The stranger, whose voice was beginning to sound familiar, spoke gently. "The Cullens are gone." Ignoring common sense, I lurched forward. Speeding through the trees, I flung myself into the clearing.

"The Cullens are still here, Bob Marley and I suggest you leave before the rest get here," I growled. Though I put on a brave façade, seeing who was with Bella was an extremely unpleasant surprise. It was the man who was with James and Victoria when I almost lost my arm permanently. My heart raced at the sight of him, but the thought of Bella in danger helped distract me.

"You," he breathed, his French accent blooming through his words. "You are alive...and you have two arms."

"Deal with it," I shrugged. Scott stepped out behind me then, snarling viciously at Laurent, the vampire before us.

"You again," Laurent noticed. "You cannot all take me alone. Two humans, a half human and a puppy. I don't want to hurt all of you, but I need to feed."

"Feed on this," I raised my middle finger towards the vampire. Stiles choked on laughter behind me.

"Maybe I will," he agreed.

"Oh, well hold on-" I mumbled, realizing he was actually coming to attack. He had gotten halfway to me before he skidded to a halt. He stared off into the trees where a twig snapped. The air smelled strongly of wet dogs. I grabbed Stiles and pulled him to me protectively, same with Bella. Scott and I stood in front of the humans of the group.

A giant black figure broke out through the trees. All four of us looked at each other with shock. Several more creatures followed the black one who appeared to be the leader.

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