Bromance or Romance?

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07. Bromance or Romance?

"Morning," I grinned, rolling over to look at Stiles.

"Morning," he mumbled, staring into my eyes. I stared back, wondering what he was thinking about.

"I still can't believe you're here," Stiles whispered as if he read my mind like Edward. Sadness panged at my heart because I missed Edward but I shrugged it away to enjoy my time with Stiles, the boy who I had left for months.

"I can't believe it either," I grinned. "I should have come back a long time ago or just never left," my grin faded. Stiles rested his forehead against mine, pressing his lips gently on mine. My grin returned.

"Why are you being so nice about this?" I asked him. "You could've yelled, ignored me or at least punched me in the face or something but you're letting me back into your life so quickly. Why?"

"First of all I wouldn't hit a girl," Stiles told me.

"So you wouldn't hit Kate Argent? Or Poison Ivy?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Poison Ivy is hot," Stiles argued.

"That's what she wants you to think then she kisses you and you die," I reminded him.

"You're nothing like Poison Ivy. Reason two is because I'm glad you're back. I need you," Stiles looked at me softly.

"That's weird," I furrowed my eyebrows. Stiles pulled his head back, confusion on his face.

"You think it's weird?" He frowned.

"It's weird because I need you, too. I was going to say the same thing. You'll never fully know how much you mean to me, Stiles," I admitted, my cheeks reddening. Stiles' lips attached onto mine, lingering for a sweet moment before he rolled over and got up to get dressed for school. I stood up, making my way to the window where I jumped out and crossed the road to my house. I changed quickly and sat in the passenger seat of Stiles' Jeep. I offered to drive us but he insisted on driving Roscoe, as he named his Jeep. I wasn't going to argue, especially because I owe him.


I pulled my shorts on and entered the gym for physical education with everyone's favourite faculty member, Coach Finstock. I stood by Allison as everyone piled into the gym. I suddenly remembered that I had invited Bella to come shopping with us.

"Hey, Allison. I kind of sort of invited Bella and her friends shopping. She isn't being social and I feel very responsible," I sighed. "Sorry I didn't ask first."

"The more the merrier, right? I'm sure Lydia will love it. I don't mind at all," Allison grinned.

"Is that Jessica girl coming?" Lydia piped in.

"Probably," I nodded.

"I like her taste," Lydia shrugged. I took that as approval.

"I do not deserve you people," I smiled back.

"No, you don't," Allison laughed.

"Climbing wall day!" Finstock's booming voice filled the gym. He clapped his hands together. "McCall! You two are up!" He pointed to Allison and Scott.

"Destroy him," I snickered. We brought our hands together for a high-five before she clipped on a harness by the rock climbing wall. The two climbed the wall, Scott clearly climbing slowly so he could stare at Allison from behind. I rolled my eyes at him as Stiles stood beside me.

"You know he's going to pair us, right?" I looked at Stiles.

"No he isn't," Stiles shook his head. Allison's foot slammed into Scott's side and he slipped from the wall, collapsing onto the mat. I chuckled at the two. Allison smirked before climbing down.

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