The Pool Incident

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11. The Pool Incident

Stiles had the biggest grin on his face I had ever seen. In this moment, I was completely ecstatic. We hugged each closely, our hearts still pounding like house music outside of a club. I turned my head to the side, resting my right cheek against his chest. Jacob and Lydia were chatting by the stairs and Bella was walking over to us.

"Why are you blushing?" Bella asked, staring at my bright red left cheek.

"'s warm in here," I lied.

"Do you even get too warm?" Bella raised her eyebrows in disbelief.

"Who knows? Right?" I chuckled awkwardly. "Is Mike okay? It sounds awful in there." As if on cue, a loud retching sound came from the bathroom.

"Curse supernatural hearing. This is actually so disgusting. I can hear everything." I grimaced while Stiles did the same.

"We'll pass on the audio book of descriptions." Stiles shook his head.

"Jacob thinks the movie was too much for him," Bella replied.

"Oh, because of the death?" I guessed. She nodded. "It's definitely easier seeing on the screen. He'd never survive seeing the things we've seen."

"Speaking of the supernatural, Scott's not here. Neither is Allison. I'm guessing Allison isn't doing homework?" She assumed.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"Because Scott is terrible at hiding it," Stiles put in. "He's like my brother, but he's an idiot sometimes." I snickered at that comment.

"Allison isn't so good at it either. It's obvious they're still together," she commented.

"Really? It's that obvious?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"To me, it is. I doubt anyone else notices them," Bella responded. Mike vomited again, filling my ears with horrendous sounds. I frowned, wishing someone else could share this burden.

"You okay?" Stiles asked, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"No. I'm not okay. I can hear him vomiting!" I hissed, shuddering. "This is so disgusting." Bella went over to join Jacob and Lydia, though Lydia came over to us instead.

"Well? Good personality?" I smirked.

"Very," she flicked her hair. We both chuckled then Lydia told us she was going to head home. We said goodbye and then it was just Stiles and I. Jacob and Bella were having an extremely private conversation that I wished I couldn't hear so I could give them privacy. Jacob was expressing feelings for Bella while she told him not to ruin everything. Now they were fighting about Edward. They began to grow silent so Stiles and I decided to join them. Stiles and Jacob immediately began laughing about the movie and its poor special effects.

"Hey, we should all hang out again sometime," Bella suggested. "You know, the four of us."

"Yeah!" Stiles grinned.

"We could all hang out at my house and have pizza or something," Jacob agreed. Bella and I shared a look, the look that said we thought Stiles and Jacob were going to get along just fine.

Just then, Mike wiped his mouth as he shamefully slunk out of the bathroom. He walked over to Bella and Jacob with a mournful expression.

"I need to go home," Mike sighed. Noticing Jacob's extremely judgemental stare, he gulped. "I was feeling sick before the movie." His heartbeat spiked. A lie.

"I think I caught whatever's going around," he scratched the back of his head. I thought back to when Bella said Angela had been sick and Eric was taking care of her.

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