Another Damn Trip

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03. Another Damn Trip

My two days in Alaska were up and I was on my way back to my house in Ithaca, New York. I sat in the car with Alice who seemed more excitable than usual.

"I know you just got back, but you and I are going to Toronto!" She squealed.

"Why?" I asked, wondering why she suddenly decided to go to Canada.

"You start the semester at Cornell soon and we won't get to travel for awhile. Besides, I love Canada," she replied.

"Okay...You do realize the semester starts on Monday, right? Today is Wednesday," I reminded her.

"It's fine. I already booked our flight! Will you go with me? Please," Alice begged.

"Of course I will," I smiled at her. "But why just me and you?"

"Because you're unhappy here. I want to help distract you," Alice admitted.

"Thank you, Alice," I said sincerely. Now that I had come back from Alaska, I needed more distracting.

"We'll go this weekend because the rest of us have school this week," Alice told me. We arrived home and the Cullens greeted me when I got inside.

"Any information from Eleazar?" Carlisle asked.

"He doesn't know anyone with a defensive talent that could allow someone to put the note in my car, undetected. He did say that it is possible, though," I reported. "He said that if there is someone like that, the Volturi would likely pester the vampire to join them."

"The Volturi are always looking for gifted vampires," Carlisle nodded.

"As much as I want to find out who left this note, I don't want to risk going to the Volturi. I don't know how they would react to someone like me," I sighed.

"Afraid of the Ancients, Sum?" Emmett teased. I rolled my eyes at him.

"So unless we or the Denalis bump into a scentless vampire, there's nothing I can do about it," I summarized.

"I'm sorry to hear that," Carlisle responded.

"Me too," I attempted to lighten the mood by laughing, though I knew they could tell it wasn't sincere.

After talking to the Cullens about their new jobs and schooling, I crawled into bed, making myself a blanket cocoon.


The rest of the week was slow, like usual. I had watched Batman Returns twice, stared at the note for four hours and slept. That was basically all I did until Saturday arrived.

"It's time!" Alice grinned, poking her head in my bedroom door.

"I know," I grinned back, holding up my bag of clothes. When travelling, I didn't need to bring much else. I didn't need to brush my teeth or shower or do my makeup. Many basic things humans do, I didn't have to. This resulted in a light suitcase. I did always carry a tooth and hairbrush to avoid looking absolutely bizarre in an airport.

"I haven't been to Canada in a long time," Alice told me on the drive there.

"I went hunting there not too long ago," Emmett commented as he took a left turn. Emmett had offered to drive us to the airport.

"I went to Quebec once to study the French-Canadian culture," I responded.

"Merde," Emmett chuckled.

"Tu es bête," I laughed.

"Merci," Emmett replied.

"Vous ne devriez pas parler," Alice joined in.

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