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'Our lives cannot be predicted, as we're not god.'

Quite the popular saying, isn't it? Considering that it is quite ironic, as most people end up the same way. Many hope to have their futures foretold, by people who claim to be able to do so, such as fortune tellers. Even in the 21st century, it is so common that people even believe, and fall for it. But that doesn't matter. Because nothing can be foretold beforehand.

But what I mean here isn't something related to god, nor humanity. It is about time itself. How can you think of predicting something if it hasn't even happened yet? This is what people fail to understand.

The problem here isn't about the uncertain future, but of the ignored past. What if a person, similar to a fortune teller, is able to tell the past of a certain somebody? Or the history of an unknown object, say, an artefact? What if they could use this to learn more about things whose origins cannot be perfectly determined, or deduced? Wouldn't they be considered god? This is why the quote earlier is useless.

There is no future to look into, but a past to be known and remembered.

If you were given an ability to see other people's pasts, or the history of objects, just by the mere touch of a hand, what would you do? How would you react? Not pleasantly, obviously. But this can never happen. Ever.

This---happened to me.

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